Love Me Today Not Tomorrow

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You were looking for your necklace it had a wolf tooth hanging on a piece of black string. It was the necklace your mother gave you before she died and you joined this group. It was by force you had the spirit of the dark dog it was strange but okay they wanted you to join. Besides after your mother died you had no where to go anyways. It had been a couple months more like 2 months, one week, 7 hours, and 30 seconds. 

Yes, you had been accounting ever since that passed you by they still didn't trust you enough to put you on missions. (but you had went on a few)

"Tobi!" you screamed.

"Hahahahaha, come catch me _____-sama.!" Yelled Tobi back.

He continued to run and you followed angrily trying to catch him and then try your hardest not to rip his head off. He ran right into Itachi room the one person you couldnt help but blush around. He ran right into his room begging Itachi to him save him from you. You signed knowing the only way you were going to get the necklace back is by going in.

You ran right into the room cornering him into the wall and giving him a hateful glare. He looked scared he threw the necklace toward the window and Itachi caught it in his hand. He screamed,

"Get out of my room both of you now!"

Tobi was hiding in the corner when I realized why he was hiding, Ame was there she was behind Itachi who did not have his cloak on. Tobi had been afraid of Ame ever since she had hurt him after he had accidentally bumped into her. You looked at Itachi, to Tobi and finally to Ame a fire burning within. 

"I'll leave your stupid room just give me back my necklace." you stated coldly. 

Itachi threw the necklace at you forehead hitting it directly and laughed when it bounced off your head and fell into your hand. You gripped tightly in your hand and ran out of the room tears slipping down your face. Why did he have to be a jerk all the time? You ran right into your room slamming the door shut after you and fell face first onto your bed. 

You cried silently soaking the pillow before falling into sleep it had been a couple of hours sense your sniffs had died out and it was dark outside. Your day had gone from bad to worst in a matter of minutes you sat up in your bed wincing from the pain. You got out of bed and walked to your dresser placing the necklace down gently. You gathered up your pajamas and removed or cloak, redressing your self quickly. 

After you finished slipping into your night wear you strolled over to you bed and laid down you dragged the covers over your head falling asleep when there was a knoka to your door. Your groaned in annoyance and opened the door and said,

"What the hell do you want?"

"______, what's wrong?" asked a concerned blonde boy.

"Oh, it's you Deidara." you replied, clamming down a bit.

"Who did you think it was?" he questioned. 

"I thought it was Tobi, sorry." you answered. 

"Whatever, I'm not even going to ask what he did. Come on lets go dinner is ready, you shall come for the last three days you have been only drinking water."

He dragged you downstairs to the kitchen by pulling your hand all the way he keep laughing. You smiled at his childish behavior but when you arrived at the kitchen doors your realized you werent wearing your cloak or anything else. You had a pair of sweatpants, a small tank top and you had socks on your feet. Your arms were wrapped in bandages from the cuts you had received on your last mission.

As you stayed quest when everyone was starting at you in surprise because you never went anywhere without your cloak. Deidara turned his attention back to your slender figure and starred at the bandages.

"What happen?" he demanded. 

"Dei, it's nothing I'm fine really well look Im not hungry so I'm going to go so see you later." you replied, walking away. 

'_____, sit down you must eat." said a deep voice.

"Yes, leader." you said, unwilling. 

You took a seat next to Dei and Tobi who was apologizing for what he had done earlier. You still didn't really feel hungry so you kept poking the food with your chop sticks.

"____!" Pein said angrily. "What the hell is gotten into you today?" 

"I'm not hungry." you started. 

"Today is just not my day and you know what fuck off. What the hell do you care if I'm not eating just leave me alone all I wanted was to be alone today on birthday. But no everyone keeps fucking bugging me just leave me the fuck alone!" 

You fumed and ran out of the room tears rushing down your beat red face when you heard an anger leader yell,

"____! Get back here right now."

You changed the course of your direction, you ran swiftly out of the hideout and into the dark forest. Right now you didn't care where you went as long as it was away from everyone else. You ran right for the river that always soothed and only you knew about it. You sat at the edge of the river looking into the clear water.

"______" said a soft voice.

You turned around quickly to see who it was and it turned out to be no one other than Itachi. What the hell does he want? you asked your self turning back around.

You continued to stare at the clear water as the waves pushed back and forth in the river. Suddenly you felt to warm arms wrap around your freezing body and you jumped I shock. You turned around to have your face about an inch away from Itachi's and stumbled backwards a little. 

"Happy birthday." he said. 

You starred at him in shock did he just say happy birthday or why did he come and find you? He pulled something out of his pocket a little box he shoved it into your hand blushing. You studied the box for a minute and then opened to reveal a sapphire necklace. You looked at it, it was like the one you had seen at the day of the auction it was your mothers. 

"Where did you get this?" you whispered.

"I brought it at your family auction." he replied.

"Thank you." you managed. 

He slowly walked over to you and gasped your waist pulling you closer to him. He hugged you tightly in his arms, surprising you didn't struggled to get free you hugged back. He looked down at you a small smile on his face he brushed the tears away from your eyes and leaned in. his warm lips touched yours and a electrical current flew through your body. You kisses back eager to get more and he applied equal force. 

He broke away from you to catch some air he looked at you and said,

"I like you a lot, ___-chan and I'm sorry for what I did earlier."

"It's okay. I forgive you and I like you a lot too." you replied. 

He held you close to him as you too watched the moon for the night as for tonight nothing would matter. 

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