Outside Cuts Heal But The Inside Scar You for Life ( a Edward Cullen)

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I hope you like it!!!! its twilight!!! LMAO :D Vote and message!


Numb is all you have become it's all that wanders your mind nothing else but pain, regret, hate and scars. Nothing in light seems to awaken the spirit in you it seems as though it is lost. You mind has become lost and you heart only seems to ache in pain. Nothing can replace the feeling inside of your heart and soul. You soul has become a dark shadow that follows you everywhere without motion. Ever since that day the day of death it had changed you. It had scared you for life but then again many thing has scared you in your life. You had been alive when you should be dead and someone that should be alive is gone for ever.

Nothing you do or as a matter fact anyone does they wont come back. Cry, apologize, weep, silent is all you could manage. Everyone keeps telling you it's not your fault but the one that should tell you is silent. He is imaging you don't exist that you are gone far away. You heart is nothing more than a black hole not trying to ends its misery. Eating wasn't even a word anymore to you only pain was, listening to depressing songs, and laying there motionless. 

The only music that came to you was numb, pain, never to late, runaway, when youre gone, say good-bye, I hate everything about, wait for you, concrete angel, little red balloon, far away, get out alive, gravity of love, I bruise easily break away, in other words only sad songs. Nothing seem to be living anymore everything had died away slowly. It was agonizing to even think about the past even when you past something that brought back memories you would break down. 

This is not the life you wanted you wanted to be free away from everything you had tried to kill your self numerous times but some came and saved you. You were sicken by their actions they came to rescue you but they didn't come to save her. But why she was more special than you he loved her. He could never love you he was to depth with her that you were nothing more than a mere pawn. You had always wanted more from him but he never gave it you were just the little outcast between a growing bond of three. Now that she was gone you were the escape goat you were the one to blame. Today was your birthday so why weren't you happy why were you so upset. 

Only god knows and you know no one else could give a shit. You dragged your self to school today was going to be your last day you were going to die because no one cared for you anymore. Why suffer when you can just end the pain and move on to the next life? You had on a black shirt, black jeans, a cross wrapped around your neck, and your old vans. You got into your sports car and drove off to school the hell with that place you thought. When you parked and entered the building everyone coward you and you stood there with an emotionless face. Suddenly your eyes met with golden topaz eyes they hunted you to this day. You saw sadness, anger, pain and love in them.

You quickly turned away you didn't want to feel this right now you didn't want to feel anything. 

"Happy birthday Angel." said a girl with pixie hair and a gorgeous smile.

"Thanks." you mumbled. 

Everyone said happy birthday to you and you merely nodded and moved on as if it wasn't a big deal. To you it was nothing more than an extra day lived with feelings. Another day that you wanted to end so badly but sadly you would have to wait.You were by the window singing to your self,


I'm tired of being what you want me to be

Feeling so faithless lost under the surface

Don't know what you're expecting of me

Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes

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