Chapter 29: No Wi-Fi

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Lambent Laboratories, Cell 3,

Africa Dome

"What's that smell?"

The receptionist narrowed her eyes as she glanced up from her screen. Best not to pursue that line of questioning. Peppermint's fingers brushed the surface of the reception desk as she waited for the woman to complete whatever mysterious task she was involved with.

The air inside the laboratory was not the same as yesterday. A hint of a scent, too faint for her to recognise, hung in the air. That wasn't quite it, though. Peppermint watched the receptionist from the corner of her eye — her movements were precise, performed with exaggerated care.

The woman handed her a tablet computer. "Sign this."

"What's with all the old tech?" Peppermint started scanning the lengthy form.

"Uh... there's no wi-fi here? I'm sure Jasper told you."

Their eyes met as Peppermint looked up. The woman seemed to think additional explanation was required.

"So I could send you the forms," the woman added, "but you'd only get them when you left." The receptionist rolled her eyes. "Kinda pointless."

"And I can't join your internal network?"

The receptionist's eyebrow cocked in answer. Peppermint nodded, biting her bottom lip as she again attempted to read the form.

Nick's impromptu rager had transformed into a Grade A Ruckus. The end result: her eyes were grainy, her head throbbed, and she was sheltering a horde of pleasant yet intangible memories involving Titan's brunette twins. She also couldn't shake how Holly's hair was the exact same shade as hers.

She tried closing one of her eyes as she worked her way through the form. The respite was blissful but brief, and the words made no more sense than before. After reading the first paragraph three times without gleaning its actual purpose, she admitted defeat.

"What is this?" Peppermint asked.

"Standard NDA."

"Will you mail it to me so I can read it later?"

"No wi-fi," the woman replied in a sing-song voice, eyes locked on the screen in front of her.

It looked legit — there were clauses and sub-clauses, sections and headers, parties and whatnot. Peppermint sighed and pressed her thumb into the empty block at the end of the form. She clenched her jaw as she stifled a yawn, and wiped at the corner of her tearing eye with a surreptitious finger.

"Have a seat. Jasper will be with you shortly."

Peppermint shuffled to the closest sofa and sat on the pale leather. She glanced at the receptionist. The tall reception desk obscured the woman and Peppermint sighed again as she stared through the glass doors to the lush garden beyond.

Settling back against the sofa, she attempted to stifle another yawn. She failed. She rested her head in her hand, her elbow sinking into the invitingly soft padding of the sofa's arm. Maybe if she closed her eyes for just a few minutes while she waited—


She jerked awake, her heart giving a giant thump as her torso bolted off the sofa. She took a few seconds to focus on the person beside her.

"Jasper. Hi," she managed.

She swiped her hands over her face as she attempted to reboot her brain. She got to her feet, wiping the corner of her mouth where moisture hinted at the possibility of drool.

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