Chapter 31: The Braided Man

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The Leider's Audience Chamber, Wildebeest Digger Colony,

African Continent

Silence filled the room, pressing against the walls as if there wasn't enough space to accommodate it. Jinx took an unwilling step back, tensing her legs in an effort to stop herself running out the door.

The Leider stood at the end of the room, regarding their group as if coming across a strange species of insect on a leisurely walk through the savanna and being both surprised and intrigued by his discovery.

He wore a white robe, open to his navel. Tiny metal rings cinched it to the floor. It had no sleeves, just a sharp, jutting shoulder that extended a few centimeters past his bulging deltoid. Instead of lapels, it had a wide hem embroidered in white with geometrical symbols. His yellow hair, bound in an intricate braid, dangled over his shoulder, reaching his waist. The Leider wore no jewellery or ornamentation except for the silver clasp binding his braid.

Jinx swallowed. She released the breath she'd been holding, inhaling incense-tainted air until her lungs tickled. Beside her, Pearce shifted and behind her, clothing rustled. She glanced over her shoulder and stiffened when she saw the men behind them had fallen to their knees.

"Stay frosty, you idiots!" she hissed, flicking her fingers at them.

They stared at her, faces a confused tangle of fear, awe and respect. For whom she didn't know, but they jerked up as if their muscles were caught between conflicting orders. At least Scott had the decency to look abashed. When she turned back, the Leider was staring at her.

The sensation of his eyes on her was terrible. Her skin crawled as if trying to get away from his gaze. He turned, taking the three steps up to the dais with the most graceful of movements. He settled on the golden throne as if with the knowledge that it its sole purpose was to bear his weight.

The man twitched his fingers and crazy-guy scuttled over to him, dipping his head by the Leider's side to listen to whatever inaudible command he was given.

He straightened. "The Leider commands you to announce yourselves."

The spell broke.

Jinx jutted her chin out as she turned to share a heated stare with Pearce.

"Jinx..." he whispered, but she ignored him.

"Commands?" she snapped.

The Leider gave her the most slothful smile she'd ever seen.

"Sergeant Quinn, Olifant Squad, Rooivalk Colony," Quinn said, his voice loud and rushed.

"Sergeant Hodges, Olifant Squad, Rooivalk Colony."

"Sergeant Pearce, Luiperd Squad, Rooivalk Colony," Pearce said, his voice just as loud.

Jinx bristled, but took a deep breath and said, in a much lower voice, "Sergeant Jinx, Luiperd Squad, Rooivalk Colony."

Behind them, the eight privates bleated out their names. Silence slid in, strangling sound. The Leider's eyes hadn't left Jinx. A blush worked its way up her neck as his stare continued. The Leider's hand twitched again. Crazy-eyes leaned close, drew back, and pointed at Jinx.

She flinched.

"You may leave," the sycophant announced.

"What?" she managed, after clearing her throat. The Leider's smile didn't move a fraction. "What did you say?"

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