Chapter 10: Thirty-Three Kilometers

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Tunnel 3, East Northbridge,

Africa Dome

Nausea festered inside Peppermint as the travel-bot slid to a halt outside an abandoned apartment block. She'd never been to East Northbridge before — or this close to the edge of the dome.

The dome's massive, metallic barrier curved to enclose her home. Its highest point soared more than six hundred meters into the sky, easily containing the skyscrapers and buildings inside.

Peppermint crept onto the cracked paving. The travel-bot sped away as if eager to leave. The air was too warm here; sweat prickled between her shoulder blades. A few meters up the road a shimmering heat haze warped the buildings into unpleasant, distorted shapes. A glance behind confirmed she was alone.

"Where do I go?" The hairs on her arms rose in a flurry at the sound of her own voice.

"Good a.m., Peppermint," Phoenix greeted. "Proceed straight for eight meters."

Ahead the road came to an abrupt end. Where it met the dome's outer barrier a large conduit gleamed, both doors sealed. A single red light blinked above them.

"How do I open it?"

The light blazed solid red. Peppermint froze as a razor thin red line scanned her. The doors jerked open with a hiss. Cool air rushed over her, carrying a dank smell of grease. They revealed a dark tunnel, hushed and endless.

"Wuh—" Peppermint cleared her throat. "Where's the bot console?" She didn't like the way the yawning passage swallowed her voice.

"Proceed straight for five meters."

"But it's dark!" she squeaked. "There's something wrong with the lights in there."

"All lighting is functional. Proceed straight for five meters."

Shaking her head, Peppermint touched her ring finger with her thumb. She blinked twice, opened her weConnect and sent Maple and Nick the image she'd just taken. They were not going to believe this.

She was just about to step into the tunnel when Maple called her. "WTF, P!"

"I know, right?"

"You shouldn't go in there. Looks real dodgy. Is that..." Maple's voice rose a few octaves. "Are you outside the dome?"

"It's safe isn't it, Phoenix?" Peppermint asked, Maple's alarm making her uneasy.

"You will not be exposed to harmful radiation," Phoenix assured her.

"You heard the program, M."

"You should come back," Nick said, his voice soft.

Peppermint opened her weConnect, glancing at the call log. It was the first she'd heard from Nick since last night. Maple had left the 'rave' a few hours after her, but Nick had apparently stayed behind.

She accessed Nick's location services. "What you doing at Titan's?"

"Just idling. You girls should come over, his clustermates are here later. You going to be long?"

Peppermint frowned. She hadn't even asked how long this thing was going to take. "Don't know."

"Be safe, P." Maple disconnected.

"I'm sorry about last night," Nick said.

"Me too. I suppose it wasn't the best place to—" Peppermint closed her mouth. Nick had been quite explicit: no more Rose. "I shouldn't have said anything."

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