Chapter 38: Bloody Teeth

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The Leider's Audience Chamber, Wildebeest Digger Colony,

African Continent

"Don't know what you're talking about."

Jinx's words scratched at a throat still tender from the memory of the Leider's fingers. The mountainous man hadn't moved, staring down at her with corporeal curiosity.

"We're here to negotiate your peace treaty," she added.

"So why did they send you?"

"Is this because I'm a woman?"

The Leider didn't respond, but his foot pressed down again. Jinx groaned.

"I'm one of the best they have." He cocked his head as if considering her words. "You're fucking lucky you got me."

He reached down and grabbed her braid, hauling her up until she was on tip toes. He forced her head back and peered into her eyes.

"If you are, in fact, so exceptional then why are you not fighting back?"

White hot rage incinerated her fear. It roiled inside her, tensing every muscle in her body. He must have sensed a change in her; bemusement touched at his features.

His eyes caught a distant light, glittering. "More a kitten than a lion."

Jinx's mind dissociated itself, standing back and giving years of training and instinct full control of her body. She gripped the man's forearm, her legs lifting in one smooth motion. Both her booted feet slammed into his stomach. The hand holding her braid opened and she fell into a crouch, spinning into a roundhouse kick aimed for the man's stomach.

He caught her ankle and jerked. She crashed to the floor. Her chin rebounded from the smooth stone with a crack. Lights flashed and sparkled in her eyes. She shut them, taking a deep breath to push back the grabbing darkness. Jinx was dimly aware of pain, but with thought went sensation. Get up!

She twisted, her ankle shrieking at her, and pushed herself off the floor with her hands. The movement jarred her ankle free, allowing her to deliver a kick to his kidneys. He made to grab her ankle, but she jerked her foot back. Jinx lunged at him, her full weight behind the fist that drove into his stomach.

Ah. She was obviously attacking the wrong section of his anatomy. Her fist rebounded from what felt like a brick wall. Jinx hissed as she staggered back in her effort to get out of his reach. She wanted to howl at him, the fury burning inside her turning her blood to steam.

Jinx lunged again.

She brought her knee up, but the Leider stepped back and grabbed her raised leg with both hands, pulling her off her feet again. This time her head cracked against the floor. She gripped it, reeling with pain as she curled into a tight ball.

He used his toe to turn her onto her back.

"I must have overestimated Rooivalk's strength if you are the best they have," he said.

Jinx grabbed his ankle and tugged, but it was like trying to move a mountain. The man's laughter echoed in the empty chamber.

"It's a pity, but you'll have to be returned. You're absolutely useless to me."

He turned on his heel and began walking away.

Jinx straightened and stared at the Leider's retreating back. Send her back? She couldn't go back, not without finding Zachman and getting her answers. Not without Stander's obscure box.

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