Chapter 12: Battle Buddies

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En-Route to Mess Hall, Rooivalk Military Bunker,

African Continent

"Pearce, wait up!"

Sighing, Pearce halted. Jinx appeared at his side. He glanced at her, frowned and carried on walking.

She hurried to him and grabbed the sleeve of his beige fatigues. "Hey!"

"What?" he snapped, jerking his arm free.

Jinx apparently didn't notice the irritation in his voice. "Can you slow down?"

"I'm busy."

"Yeah, I'll bet, what with going to Wildebeest and everything."

He kept his gaze fixed ahead as they made for the mess hall. The corridor was too narrow, the proximity of its walls forcing Jinx's arm to brush his as they walked.

His frown deepened. "What do you want?" he asked.

"You been briefed yet?" she asked in a Jinx-equivalent of a whisper.


Her voice vibrated with excitement. "And?"

"It's classified, Jinx."

"Since when?"

"Since five hours ago when I was informed it was classified."

"When has that ever mattered?"

Pearce ground his teeth, picking up his pace. Jinx caught up with ease. She snagged his sleeve as they rounded the corner. Five recruits headed toward them, engaged in light-hearted banter. One of the men, a fresh intake, stared at Jinx. His eyes widened as they drew near.

"Keep looking and she'll break your arms," another man in the group said.

The man's voice was pitched to carry. As Pearce and Jinx passed, the fresh recruit hurriedly averted his eyes. Jinx chuckled and thumped her fist into Pearce's shoulder.

"You hear that?" Her words dripped with self-satisfaction.

"Would be difficult not to. I'm right next to you," he replied.

His sarcasm glided over her like the slide in a well-oiled Glock. She chuckled again, twisting back to stare at the men, probably hoping one of them would look so she could make an example out of him.

Pearce strode on.

"Hey! I'm trying to talk to you!" she called out, jogging to his side.

She gripped his wrist with a cool hand when he continued at his same ground-eating pace. He spun to her, the quick motion ripping her fingers free. His palm slammed into her shoulder. Jinx staggered. Her eyes widened and she came to a stop, a tiny line creasing the flawless skin between her dark eyebrows.

"Leave it, Jinx. Just leave it."

"What the hell's the matter with you?"

"With me?" His words echoed back to him. He lowered his voice and glanced up either side of the now empty corridor before leaning toward her. "What the hell's wrong with you?"

Jinx's lips parted in affront. "What—"

"Why'd you go and volunteer?"

"Because I want to go."

"To Wildebeest? Why?"

Her mouth opened and closed as she stared down at him. Her blue eyes were too bright, too wide, blazing into him.

"I just... I want to go." Her voice trembled. "With you," she added.

He jerked his head forward. "It's a fucking suicide mission, Jinx."

"Is that what they told you?"

"It doesn't matter what they told me. That's what it is. So why the hell would you want to come with?"

"But if they know then they can't just—"

"Can't they?" he snapped. "We're expendable, aren't we? It's our duty, isn't it? To protect and serve?"

Pearce strode down the corridor, unable to look at her anymore. Would she remain behind this time? A few seconds later her boots slapped on the floor. Pearce suppressed a groan.

"I'm not letting you go alone," she said.

"You don't call the shots."

"But you do! They said you get to choose which privates—"

"Which privates, yes. You're a sergeant, Jinx. In case you've forgotten."

She fell back. He pursed his lips — her hesitation would only last a moment.

"Is this because I'm a woman?" she hissed when she was back at his side.

"You said it."

Her voice was strangled. "That's... that's—"

Pearce lifted his index finger in warning. "I've heard all sixty-eight words you've used to describe situations like these and I've heard them a million times. So don't."

"But—" He turned to her again. Something in his face gave her pause. She recoiled from him, lifting her palms. "It's just... it's bullshit, and you know it."

"Why do you want to go so bad, Jinx? It's not because we're battle buddies, so why?"

"Why is that so hard to believe?"

He stared at her, shaking his head. Her blue eyes peered back, awash with innocence, but he could see the tremble in her lips as she spoke, her stiffly held neck.

It was time to end this conversation.

"Vanbuuren told me he's going to pair you up with someone else while—" he took a short breath through his nose "—when I'm gone. I won't be your battle buddy anymore, so don't feel compelled to follow me into the front lines."

Jinx flinched. Pearce stared at her, his intestines coiling at her unexpected response. The woman's eyes darted between his as if trying to gauge if he was telling the truth. The irony sickened him.

He turned on his heel, heading back the way they'd come.

"Where you going?" Jinx called after him. "Mess hall's this way."

"Not hungry anymore," he said, glancing back at her as he turned the corner.

She'd pulled her braid over her shoulder and stood clutching it in a pale fist. Standing like that, she didn't look like Jinx at all.

His ears strained for the sound of her boots, but this time she didn't follow him. 

. . .

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