Bobtina One-Shots

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to introduce this book real quick, and also give some info on updating schedules and things like that.

So, this is a book of one-shots. I think that's pretty obvious.

If you don't already know, one-shots are like small stories that could be part of a full book, but are just one bit of it. It's like... all these ideas could be chapters in different stories, but are not. They're all compiled into this one!

Also: In lots of my books I've had a posting schedule. It keeps me up to date on writing and updating and lets you guys know when the next chapter will be out :)

BUT... this will not have a specified schedule. I will post these one-shots practically right after they're written and edited. This is just something I can use to get my mind on something other than one main story on my page.

When writing one book at a time, it's easy for me to get lost in things that can only happen in that book. This will give me a little escape; a place for ideas all their own.

So, I hope you guys enjoy what I have to offer with this! It's much different than things I've done in the past, so we'll see how it turns out :D

First one-shot will be posted tomorrow :)

I love you guys!

- thatsmyswift xx

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