Christmas Surprises

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Christina brushed on one last coat of mascara as she heard the doorbell ring. She hurried to brush on the last bit of make-up, knowing she would want to catch up with whatever member of the family happened to have shown up first.

With one last look in the mirror, she decided she was happy with how she looked and was ready for the first Christmas gathering her family would have this year.

She rushed down the stairs, glancing at the door to see who'd arrived already. Her bets were on her aunt.

As she looked past her mom, though, she noticed it wasn't a family member at all.

Her mom turned around, giving Christina a full view of the boy that had broken up with her about six months ago.

"It's for you," her mom said softly as she walked past Christina and to the kitchen.

Swallowing a lump in her throat, Christina made her way to the door.

"What's up, Bobby?" she asked, ignoring the fact that he was standing in the freezing cold.

"I know I broke up with you a few months ago, but I was really thinking of you for some reason lately. And I realized that I really miss you. I know you've probably moved on, and maybe you hate me or something, but I really miss you. We've done it before, and I'm sure we can patch things up in our relationship again. Would you like to, I don't know, go out for coffee sometime soon?" he asked.

She could tell he was nervous, but she could also tell he was desperate. He was standing in her driveway on Christmas Eve, snow coming down all around him.

"Uh," she said, caught off guard, "you can come in."

Bobby looked slightly confused. She still hadn't answered him, but inviting him in seemed to be a yes.

He came inside, taking his coat off.

"Bobby and I are going to my room," Christina called to the kitchen. "We'll be out before anyone even shows up."

Bobby followed her up to her familiar room. He hadn't been in there in so long.

It still looked the same, posters everywhere, clean floor, a striped wall behind her bed.

"Listen, Bobby," Christina started, "I know we've made things work before, but it took a while for me to get over you this time. And I don't know if I want to risk doing that again-"

"You wouldn't have to," he said. "Because this time I won't be extremely stupid."

She laughed, something that could always bring a smile to his face.

"I don't know, Bobby," she said softly, looking down.

He brought his cold fingers under her chin and pushed up so she was looking at him.

"Just one more chance? This time I won't ruin it," he said, "I promise."

She smiled.

"You are kind of hard to stay away from," Christina said.

He smiled at her before leaning in to kiss her.

As there was a knock at the door, Christina pulled away.

"That's my family," she said. "I better go."

"Coffee? Tomorrow morning?" he asked desperately.

"Christmas morning?" Christina asked.

"I'll bring you a present," he said.

She smiled. "Tomorrow morning. We can figure out the important stuff through text."

"Oh, yeah," he said, turning around. "And I'm really sorry."

She smiled as they went back downstairs, and she led him to the door. Her aunt and uncle were standing there, taking off all their winter clothing.

"It's OK, the past is the past," she said as he put his coat back on.

Great, she thought as he left, now I have one more person to get a present for.

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