First Dates & Awkward Fates

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Christina stood at the door, waiting patiently for Bobby's silver car to pull up.

"Nervous?" Christina's mom said, coming up behind her.

Christina looked at her mom for a second.

She let out the breath she was holding. "Yes. I'm so nervous, Mom. How do you do this?"

"It's just Bobby," Tina said. "You've talked to him how much for how long now? It'll be fine. You'll be fine. Look. He's here. Two minutes early and everything."

Christina sighed.

"You'll be fine, dear," Tina said, hugging her daughter.

To avoid the awkwardness of her family listening to her babble on at the door when Bobby came, Christina picked up her small purse and slipped her feet into her flats. She left the house, saying goodbye to her mom and calling it loud enough for Mark and her dad to hear.

Bobby was standing outside the car. He looked like he was planning on going to the door, but had changed his mind when Christina came right out. He walked slowly up the path to their front door, meeting her halfway to the car.

"Hey," Bobby said. He wondered if his voice sounded weirder than usual. He was kind of nervous; could Christina tell?

"Hey," Christina responded, breathing through the word. It seemed as though she kept holding her breath. She wondered if Bobby could tell just how nervous she was. "So what's the plan?"

"It's a surprise," Bobby responded, contemplating whether he should reach for her hand or not.

Christina looked at him with wide eyes.

"Nothing big," Bobby said, putting her at ease.

They made it to his car, and he walked to the passenger side and opened the door for her. This is what you were supposed to do, right?

Christina blushed and sat down, mumbling a thank you.

Bobby gently shut the door and walked around to the driver's side. He took a deep breath as he opened the door and sat down.

He pulled his seatbelt across his shoulder and buckled it before glancing at Christina and smiling. She was blushing, looking at her feet. She was just as nervous as he was.

Bobby started the car and they were on their way.

The radio was a nice thing for the background, and was even nicer when there was a lull in the conversation and no one was talking.

It's just Bobby, Christina thought to herself, why can't you talk to him like you normally do?

And then she decided she would.

Once she started, it just made everything about the date better. Why hadn't she done this earlier?

Bobby realized the date had just swung from as-awkward-as-could-be to as-comfortable-as-could-be. He even brought up the courage to reach his hand over to Christina's and hold it as he drove them to the mini golf course.

Christina blushed as she grabbed Bobby's hand. How odd it was to be going out with him like this. Like... not as just friends.

She liked it, though. She liked him. So she couldn't complain.

They talked the whole way there, laughter filling the car when they weren't talking. It was nice, and Christina even caught herself looking ahead.

Really far ahead.

She could see them dating all through high school. She could see them getting married at 24 and 25. She could see them raising children, at least two, maybe three or possibly four.

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