Mr. Grinch

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I have to make a Christmas-related one-shot because IT'S CHRISTMAS! But it gets a little... mature at the end so be aware.

"Do we really have to put a tree up?" Bobby asked.

"Yes," Christina replied. "If you live with me, we put a tree up every year by December 1st at the latest."

He rolled his eyes and looked at the decorations laying on the floor.

"Chin up," Christina said. "Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year! Don't be such a Scrooge!"

"I prefer to be a Grinch," Bobby responded, not missing a beat.

Christina looked up at him with a smile, and how could he still not want to decorate when she was looking at him like that?

"Please just try to get into the Christmas spirit," she said. "For me?"

He looked down at her and pulled her against him by her waist, leaning down and kissing the top of her head. "Let's decorate the tree."

Christina plugged her phone into the speakers, her Christmas playlist sounding through the living room. Bobby said nothing about it. He was being tolerant, and she appreciated that.

He wouldn't tell her what he had against Christmas, maybe it was the money he had to spend or how terrible the weather was in New Jersey around that time. But ever since they started dating, way back in high school, he wasn't a big fan. He still bought presents. He still went to Christmases with her, with his family, but he was never fully in the Christmas spirit.

Christina didn't pry for answers, either. She loved him the way he was and didn't want to force him into telling her things he wasn't ready to. Maybe he was never a big Christmas fan. Who knew?

Although Christina did most of the decorating, Bobby didn't say anything else about not enjoying it. He helped a little and kept a smile on his face, although he was happier to hear her singing along softly than anything else.

She was so beautiful, the dim Christmas lights being just bright enough to see how happy she was as she sang along with Bing Crosby. She put one more ornament up, a silver one with a photo of the two of them in it from years ago, and Bobby came up behind her with his hands on her waist.

He kissed her cheek and ran his hands up her sides until she turned around.

"You don't have to stay out here if you don't want to," she said.

He shook his head. "It's fine. I like being in here with you." He leaned down enough to kiss her softly. "I'm just not being much of a help."

She shrugged. "It's fine, I know you're not the most excited person around Christmas."

"It'll be better when we go to Jersey," he said. "And see our families."

She nodded. "I love you."

"I love you, too," he said, leaning down to kiss her again as he pulled her closer.

"I need to finish," she said with a smile.

He let her go and watched as she covered the tree and the apartment in Christmas lights and ornaments and snowmen with a smile on her face the whole time.

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