California (Part 2)

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Christina's POV

Last night I said my goodbyes to my friends. Sarah, Lauren, Moriah, and so many other people. I went out with Bobby one last time, and I'd had a get-together with my family two days ago.

Today was the day. It was time to go to California, and leave my life in New Jersey.

I started putting my final things in my suitcase and carry-on bag.

"Are we ready?" My mom said, opening the door.

I looked over. "Almost," I answered.

I sat down and took a deep breath, looking around my almost empty room.

"It's so hard to leave this," I said.

"Trust me, I know, honey. But it'll all be worth it in the end," she said.

I looked at her and nodded, thinking about everyone one last time and swallowing hard.

"I'll let you finish packing," she said and got up. "We'll leave in about twenty minutes."

I nodded. "OK. I should be ready."

I continued putting the last of my things in my bags before I turned on my phone.

I had gotten countless texts wishing me luck in California, and wishing me safe travels. I blinked away the tears as I read through them.

Nothing from Bobby. What did that mean?

We hadn't talked about long distance since the night I told him I was leaving, and I was worried that he decided this was the end of our relationship.

I put my phone down, trying not to think about him.

What else am I forgetting?

"Christina, are you ready?" My mom called from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" I called back, looking around my room one last time.

"I'm gonna miss this place," I said softly under my breath.

I grabbed the stuff I was bringing on the plane with me and made my way down the stairs.

Most of our stuff was with our car, which left for California a few days ago.

"Ready?" My mom asked.

I nodded.

My dad came out of the kitchen with the keys, Mark following him.

I wasn't going to see them for months.

I swallowed hard and took a deep breath.

I looked at my phone again, wondering if I should text Bobby.

I pushed it away, deciding if he wanted to talk to me he would.

Then we were off to the airport.

The drive there was silent besides the radio that was playing very softly.

I was trying not to cry. I was drinking water like crazy and blinking more than usual, taking big swallows when needed. I just couldn't help but keep thinking, This isn't gonna be your home anymore.

It killed me to think that Bobby and I wouldn't go to the café on the corner on Saturday mornings anymore. I hated to think that I wouldn't drive past the high school I had prom at anymore. I had so many memories in this town, and I was leaving it in the blink of an eye.

Before I knew it, I was wiping away tears and boarding an airplane.

Mom and I had said our final goodbyes to Mark and my dad. We were really going to California.

As I sat on the plane, I looked at my phone one last time. I had multiple texts from Sarah, Lauren, and Mo. A few others wishing me safe travels were added in, but I still hadn't heard from Bobby.


When we made it to California, my face was stiff from tears I'd cried thinking about everything I left behind. But I was ready to begin this new chapter.

Honestly, what hurt the most was knowing that Bobby seemed unharmed by my leaving.

Mom and I barely spoke as we got an uber and went to an apartment that would be our home for the foreseeable future. Our home, but not my dad's or brother's.

It was only our second time seeing it, as we'd looked at it a few months ago when we visited California.

After we got our keys, we made our way upstairs with all of our suitcases and carry-ons.

We walked into the apartment, and I didn't take much time to go find which room would be mine.

I decided on one, and put my suitcase down.

I pulled out my phone one more time, wondering if maybe Bobby had tried to contact me.

I jumped out of my skin as arms came around my waist, though. I screamed and turned around.


He laughed. "That's me."

"What are you doing here?" I asked, wrapping my arms around him in a hug.

"I couldn't let you go so easily, Christina."

I looked down, smiling. "Did my mom know about this?"

"Everyone knew about this. Except you, I guess," he said with a smile.

I leaned in and kissed him for a moment.

"I can't believe you're here," I said, looking up at him.

"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't come out here with you."

Then I remembered. We'd talked about this.

"Bobby, what about your family? Your job, your friends, everything?"

He looked down at me. "What about yours? Leaving New Jersey wasn't too difficult knowing you'd be with me here."

"You left everything, though," I said. "Are you sure?"

"I didn't leave everything. In fact, I stayed with the most important part," he said with a smile. "I'm sure."

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