Surprise Date

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"I'm taking you on a date," Bobby stated, standing up and turning toward Christina.

"What?" She asked, looking up at him from the couch.

"We're going on a date. A fun date. So get yourself ready," he replied.

"No, we're fine here," she said. "We can keep watching movies. It's nice."

"But we can do that anytime. I'm taking you out. LA has so much to see. Let's go!"

Christina looked up at him, unamused.

"If you don't get up I'll just carry you as you are to the car."

"I think that's some form of kidnapping," she responded, grabbing her phone off the arm of the couch and standing up.

"Not if you like it," he said softly and pecked her lips.

She smiled in return.

"Now what should I be wearing?" She asked, looking down at her leggings and long black and white striped shirt.

"Uh, that'll work," he said, eyeing her slowly. "Just wear comfortable shoes."

Christina nodded. "This isn't going to involve a lot of physical activity, is it? Like hiking or something? Because I can do that, but I'm gonna need a warning so I can mentally and physically prepare myself."

"No," Bobby laughed. "There isn't much physical activity involved."

"Good," she replied, walking toward the stairs. "I'm just gonna put on some shoes and grab my sunglasses and I'll meet you in the car!"

"Okay!" Bobby called back, going toward the door and slipping on his shoes.

She seemed excited, right? She seemed up for the date even though he kind of had to talk her into it, right?

He kept trying to convince himself that this was a good idea as he walked to the car. He didn't normally do surprise dates, and when they planned dates, Christina normally had her opinion on it. Whether it should be fancy or laid back, whether they should see a movie or go bowling, stuff like that. This was the first time since their first two or three dates that it was just him planning it, and it was the first surprise date in at least two years that he'd planned.

He swept the thoughts away as she entered the vehicle with that bright smile on her face.


"Yup!" She replied excitedly as she pulled her seatbelt across her body.

Yeah, she was up for this.

- - -

"We're here!" Bobby said in a bright tone.

Christina shut off the playlist she'd made on the way here – their "road trip" playlist (even though it wasn't that far from Christina's apartment, so it wasn't a road trip).

"Yay!" She said, looking out the window. "But I can't tell what it is..."

"It's called a Time Travel Mart," he explained. "You get to travel through time, and the proceeds go to students with creative writing skills. It's supposed to, like, help inspire students to write. And we get to travel through time, so..."

"Let's go!" She said excitedly, a wide smile on her face as she turned toward the door and opened it.

They walked hand-in-hand to the Time Travel Mart, which had everything from dinosaur eggs to robot memory erasers.

They walked through portals to the past, and they bought a few things from the gift shop, too. Like a book entitled All My Friends Are Dead, which actually made Christina cry laughing, as well as a chocolate robot. They had a few other things that they thought Mark and Sarah would like, but ultimately the Time Travel Mart was a hit.

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