Chapter Thirteen: Meeting Daddy Warbucks, himself

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The thing about Teddy's father was that he and I had a strange relationship. I was never really sure if he liked me or not. I mean he was always nice to me, but I could never tell if it was fake or not. But I did know that he was tough on Teddy, and only wanted the best for him. Teddy looked up to his father though. He did everything in his power to please him. The only time he disappointed him was when he proposed to me. Teddy's parents both had it in their head that Teddy was going to marry a nice girl who came from money. Basically someone like Samantha aside from the sleeping with older man part. I'm sure they were shocked when Teddy told them I didn't come from money. They got over it though. I mean I think Teddy made up for it. He has worked underneath his dad since he graduated from college. I'm sure it was frustrating for him, constantly being in his shadow.

I could only imagine the amount of pressure Teddy feels on a day to day to basis.

Teddy told me that his father often referred to his "sexuality" as a phase, one that he would surely grow out of. After learning about his father's extracurricular activities, it all made perfect sense. It seemed Teddy's dad hasn't grow out of his phase either, especially if he was hanging out in the VIP section of Cherry.

It looks like the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

I drove down to Theo's business myself. I knew I'd run into Teddy. There was no doubt about that. But I wasn't there to see him. Hell, I didn't want to give him the time of day. I was hurting over all this probably just as much he was. The last thing I wanted to do was argue with him.

When I walked out of the elevator, Teddy's assistant, Stefanie greeted me. Better yet her boobs did, they were practically begging for a sexual harassment claim. She smiled as soon as our eyes met.

"Colin, how are you? I haven't seen you since your christmas party," she said pulling me into a tight hug. "Teddy is in a meeting right now. He should be getting out soon though if you want to see him."

I shook my head. "Actually I'm here to see Teddy's father, Theodore Sr."

Stefanie nodded. "Oh. Well, he's in the same meeting. They'll be wrapping up soon though. Please, have a seat."

I plopped down in one of the metal chairs by Stefanie's desk, chit chatting with her until I heard the elevator chime. Teddy and his father's office were right next to each other. They both shared Stefanie as their assistant.

I sighed as I glanced over at the handsome devil. His pressed blazer, cotton blue shirt, and tie - He looked good enough to eat. I guess distance really does make the heart grow fonder, and the crotch much harder.

As soon as Teddy's eyes met mine, he shoved his hands into his pockets, approaching me casually. "Colin - Can I help you?"

"No, I'm actually here to talk to your father," I replied, standing up from my chair. "Theo? Could I have a moment?"

Teddy's father glanced at the two of us in confusion, nodding. "Sure. Come on in. I have a few minutes before my next meeting, Stefanie?"

"You sure do," she replied, sitting back down at her desk. Teddy didn't keep his eyes off of me. He stood by Stephanie's desk, as I followed his father into his office. I closed the door shut behind us, ignoring his questioning glances.

I didn't want Teddy listening in. I didn't want to be responsible for exposing his dad's dirty little secret. He would never forgive me if I did that. It was best it came from daddy dearest himself.

Theo ushered me into a chair, as he sat behind his cherry oak desk. "So what can I do you for, Colin? You planning another surprise for Teddy bear?"

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