Chapter Fifteen: A Breach in Security

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It took a few days for me to recuperate mentally after Corinna had robbed us blind. I mean I couldn't even as much as glance at a home decorating magazine. It sickened to me my stomach. Teddy tried to make feel better by letting me purchase some furniture to fill the blank spaces in our house with our emergency money, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Standing in my living room was like standing in a room in an insane asylum. Being home was driving me absolutely crazy. All I could think about was Corinna, and now my home was a reminder of the terror that she enacted on us.

So I did what I do best. I tried to be out as much as possible. Teddy did what he does best too - He threw himself back into work. He was worried about that baby. I could tell. He was much quieter than usual. I wish he would talk to me more, but that whole brood in silence thing was his specialty. He was never very communicative.

"Still no word from Corinna," Samantha asked as we lounged out by my pool. She was lying in the chair beside me, her back completely bare. She and I were working on our tan.

I shook my head. "Nope, and good riddance! I could live without seeing her face again. Teddy is all broken up over it though. He just really wants that kid. I don't know what to do."

Samantha groaned. "That's Teddy for you. He gets obsessed over one thing, and he has to have it. That's how it was when he saw you for the first time. He would call me all time about you, Colin. Is Colin here? Are you bringing Colin over? I was like jeez. You would have thought you were made of platinum gold or something."

I laughed, running my fingers through my hair. Those were the good days. I remember that. Teddy would call me every day - once during lunch and once before he went to bed. If he didn't call during lunch, then it was because he was surprising me with lunch. He would come to my job all the time, and beg to be sat at one of my tables. It was cute.

Now I could barely even get a text once a day. When he did call, it was usually to complain about something. I miss the cute little things he used to do when we first started dating. I miss the flirty texts and the sexting, and wondering if he was thinking of me. I miss calling Samantha to see if Teddy had said anything about our date. Hell I missed going on dates. Teddy's idea of a date now a days was us going to his favorite restaurant once every month. I wish he was more spontaneous. He used to be so good at wooing me. Now that he had me it was like he stopped putting the effort in.

Marriage sure does change everything.

"He's so different now," I sighed resting my chin on my arms. "I wish things were like that again. That's when he was my Teddy bear."

Samantha made a sound of disgust. She hated that name. Hell, I kind of hated the name. But when you're in love, even the most ridiculous names sounded cute at the time. I look back now and think to myself, what the hell was I thinking back then. Teddy and I were so cheesy. We were kraft macaroni then.

Before I could make a witty retort, Bertha came out onto the deck. She had been out running errands when we were robbed. I'm not sure if that was true or not. She might have been forced to lie or threatened by Corinna. Who knows. But Bertha is still my most loyal employee, and I couldn't blame her.

"Mr. Goldstein on phone for you, sir," Bertha called out to me. I quickly leapt up from my seat. Teddy calling me from work. This must be important.

"Colin, did you receive any phone calls today? Any hang ups or prank calls or anything of that nature?" Teddy asked. "The police want to know."

Of course, this was about the Corinna thing. Why wasn't I surprised? You'd think he would call to check on me and ask me how I'm doing. But no. Typical Teddy. He only calls when he wants something.

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