My Life Is Ruined

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"What?!" I stared at my parents desperately, hoping that they would understand the pleading in my eyes.

"I told you she would be like this." My mom looked at my father and continued to eat her ribs.

"H-how? Why? I just got my ranking and I was starting to enjoy school and now I have to leave?!" I felt tears coming into my eyes.

"Mari, think about it. It's not like we've done this once or twice. And you'll do fine at school, you'll probably still be the smartest one. We're going to start moving tomorrow. You'll start school there next Monday." Dad smiled encouragingly and continued to eat his green beans.

I looked at my plate and dragged my fork around in my mashed potatoes, unsure of what to say. A new school?! What if I became a nobody? What if I would never make any friends? What if they all hated me? I lost my appetite, thinking of all the what ifs that were appearing in my mind. Food untouched, I left the table silently, knowing that my parents were looking at me.

I jumped onto my bed and jammed my earbuds in, shuffling through my favorite playlist. Immediately I checked my messages, knowing that Susana would of texted me something. Sure enough, there were five unread messages from Susana.

Susana: lol guess what I found on YouTube!

Susana: [link]

Susana: someone posted a video of our debate in the ice cream parlor

Susana: lol if school sees this we're screwed

Susana: I cyber bullied the guy who posted it. It's gone now.

I laughed. Oh Susana. Then I furrowed my brows, wondering how I would tell her about my situation.

Mari: Hah Susana you're the best

Mari: But I have something to tell you...

Mari: I'm moving

Susana: WHAT

Susana: WHY


Susana: PLS NO

My phone erupted in vibrations as Susana started to spam me.

Mari: I know, I'm so sad :(

Mari: Mom and Dad just told me at dinner


Susana: i don't know, where are you moving again?

Mari: North side of San Fran

Susana: oh that's not that bad

Susana: just don't be in any way involved with OM High

Susana: apparently all the girls there are bitches

Mari: okok thanks man. I'm leaving next Monday. Ugh my life

Susana: I feel you, but I have to go. See you tomorrow!

I closed my phone and my eyes, relaxing as the soft ost from the movie 'Howl's Moving Castle' played in my ears.


Before I knew it, the calendar on my phone read 'Friday.' Today was the last day that I would be spending at school with Susana. I gloomily pulled my uniform on and walked into the dining room to get breakfast.

Eggs and bacon, a delicacy for breakfast. "Thanks Mom," I said, before wolfing down my food. I washed up and left the house. Yesterday I had told the teachers and classmates about my transfer, which was met with much objection. Today, I wanted to leave cleanly without any tears.


I wiped my dripping mascara from my face with a tissue on my way back home. My classmates had written me a beautiful farewell card and had even gotten me presents. Without knowing, I had started sobbing like a little girl.

"I'm home," I sniffled.

"Mari! Guess what! I got a letter from the school you'll be going to!" Dad waved a thick envelope in his hands.

"What school am I going to?" I was curious. Maybe I could do some research about the school before I arrived.

"OM High!"


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