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I realized that I had still been wearing Hansol's black sweater when I woke up. Darn, I had forgotten to give it back to him. Smelling it, I recognized his faint cologne and smiled, reminded of his presence. I brushed my hair and pulled the sweater on, while quickly gathering my school supplies for the upcoming day.

What was the derivative of x^3+4x^2-17 again? I itched my head, trying to remember what I had learned from my teacher's lecture last week. Wait, what was integration again? Wasn't it basically the opposite of derivation? I knew how to integrate so I figured the opposite method for derivation. The answer was 3x^2+8x. Finally, I finished my test. I turned it in and sat back at my desk, putting my head down. It had been a fairly normal day, but I was still conflicted about something. If Johnny had asked me to prom, did it mean that I still had to go with him? I wondered if he had bought our tickets already. He could always just ask anyone else. I shrugged and closed my eyes, he would probably go to prom with Jess anyways. My phone vibrated and warily looking at the teacher, I stealthily checked it. It was a text from Johnny.

Johnny: Do you still want to go to prom with me?

Mari: Don't you want to go with anyone else?

Johnny: No

Mari: You should find someone else

Johnny: I can't

Mari: Why not? You're the number one most desired boy by all the girls in this school.

Johnny: Not all the girls

Mari: I don't count

Johnny: So I guess your answer is no?

Mari: Yes

Johnny: Your answer is yes?!

Mari: No. My answer is no.

There was no response and I sighed. At least my question was answered. I opened up my novel for English class and started reading the assigned chapter.

I sat alone at lunch, with my headphones jammed in and blaring music in my ears. It actually felt really nice to be alone. There was less pressure, less awkwardness, and less limitations. I walked back to my class to see all the girls suddenly whispering and looking at me. That was strange...I tried to ignore them as I walked back to my desk until I realized why they were talking about me.

My chair had a bouquet of beautiful red roses and on my desk were little squares of paper lined up to say: "I fell in love with you the same way you fall asleep. Slowly. Then all at once. So would you please go to prom with me?" I recognized part of the proposal from my favorite novel, The Fault in Our Stars, and smiled happily. I picked up the bouquet of flowers and something suddenly fell out: a ring. It clattered on the ground, shining brightly. I picked it up and put in on; a perfect fit. Admiring my ring, I looked at the proposal for a name then frowned, unable to find one. Who could have done this? Suddenly, I paled and took off the ring, placing the bouquet back where it was. This couldn't have been Johnny? There was no way... 

"Hey do you guys know who put this here?" I asked around at the girls sitting around me

"It was me." A deep voice that I definitely recognized came from behind me. I turned around to face the entrance to the classroom to see Hansol, who entered wearing a light white shirt and jeans, smiling at me. "So what's your answer? Is it yes?"

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