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"Don't walk away from me again," he said quietly.

"I won't, I won't, I promise."

"Just stay by my side."

"I will. I'll be there for you."

I think I really enjoyed dating Hansol. When I was with Johnny, we spent most of our time making out, but with Hansol we talked about ourselves more and got to know each other. Throughout the first couple months of school, we were never separated and were always found together. We really got to know each other well.

It was finally October, and when I was in class, I got a text from Dad telling me that Mom was in labor. Right after school, I planned on visiting the hospital but ran into Hansol on my way out.

"Hey, where are you headed without even telling me anything?" he asked with a silly grin.

I smiled back. "Mom's in labor, I have to go."

"And you plan on walking? You know, you could always ask your kind and generous boyfriend for a ride."

"You wouldn't mind?"

"I would never mind giving my amazing girlfriend a ride anywhere. Let's go."

We arrived in the maternity ward. I was very conscious of the strange looks people where giving us. I wanted to scream out that no, I was not a teen mom to be. Walking up to the secretary, the lady gave me a paper to fill out.

"The doctor will be right out to see you later," she said.

"Umm sorry I'm not here because of a pregnancy, well I am, but I'm here because my mother is in labor."

"Ah I see. What is your mother's name?" She took back the paper.

"Jessica Su."

"Okay and the person with you...?"

I turned to look at Hansol. He shrugged, giving me a silly grin.

"He's my cousin."

"Ah okay, this way." She got up and walked into a hallway of rooms.

"Cousin?" He grinned again. "Then isn't this incest?"

I punched him in the shoulder. "Whatever. But are you sure you won't mind?"

"Well, I would actually prefer not to enter the actual room, but I'll just stay outside."

"Okay, I'll come right back out." I entered the room that the secretary showed me too. Mom was on the bed and Dad was by her side. Whew, she wasn't pushing yet.

"Mari?" It was my mom. She sounded tired.

"Hey Mom!" I ran over to her side and grabbed her hand.

"You didn't have to come dear."

"It's okay. I'll just stay in the lobby or waiting room with Hansol. Just have Dad come out when little bro comes out."

She gave me a tight squeeze. "Bye. If it gets too late, you just go home by yourself with Hansol okay? No misbehaving!"

Ah...the scolding Mom was back. It wasn't like I would do anything wrong. "Okay okay. Bye." I gave my parents kisses and exited the room.

Hansol and I walked into the lobby and sat down on a large couch. "What should we do?" I asked.

He shrugged. "We should explore the hospital."

For the next hour and a half we adventures through all 15 stories of the hospital. Still no sign of the baby.

"What now?"

I was scrolling through my Instagram while he was asking and I suddenly saw an interesting post.

"I know what we should do." I walked up to the secretary lady and asked her for two application sheets where all the personal information of the patient was written. "Here." I gave Hansol a sheet and a pen. "So what we're going to do is that you're going to fill out my information and I"m going to fill out yours." I wrote 'Hansol Ji' on the slot for the name and started to write down the rest of his personal information that I knew of.

He laughed. "I'm pretty sure we can both fill this out pretty quickly," he said before starting to fill out the sheet.

A couple minutes later I finished and happily held it up. This proved how much I knew about him.

"Umm Mari?" He held up the paper pointing to a blank spot. "I'm sorry to ask you this but I don't know the date of your first period. Can you tell me so I can finish?"

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