Unexpected Surprises

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My heart thudded against my rib cage from the shock. Johnny stood right in front of me, our noses almost touching. Then he pressed forward, kissing me as I fell against the closed door. His lips wrapped around mine and he opened his mouth. I clenched my lips closed and tried to push him away, but he was too strong. His muscular arms wrapped around my slender body and he pressed closer to me. I tried to back out and tilt my head away from his lips, but he held me in such a firm lock that it was almost impossible. 

"No," I muttered between kisses. "No!" He wouldn't stop! 

"Come back," Johnny breathed. He dove back into the kiss before I could respond. 

What could I do? I need to get him off of me, but my hands were locked in his tight grip around my upper body. This was not right!

Suddenly I heard Hansol's voice outside, talking to my parents. Johnny heard it too because he froze. 

"...she left her bag in the car..." Taking this opportunity to free myself from Johnny, I darted out of his grasp and wiping my lips, I ran out of my room to Hansol.

"Mom, Dad," I looked at my parents. "Why did you let Johnny in?"

"Because you guys are dating!" 

I shook my head. "We broke up, I broke up with him." Just then, Johnny exited my room with his black cap on, covering his eyes. 

"I was just here to confirm her answer, sorry Mrs. and Mr. Su." Bowing politely towards them, he just left.

Hansol looked at me, his eyes telling me that he didn't believe what Johnny said. I nodded my head slightly, telling him that he was right. He pursed his lips and looked back at my parents. "Well, since I'm just here to return Mari's bag, I'll be going now. Thank you." He bowed at my parents and saluted at me, smiling. 

"Bye Hansol," I led him to the door, away from the watchful eyes of my parents. 

"What did he do to you?" He looked at me, alarmed. 

"He just kissed me really, really forcefully."

"That's not something that one would describe with the word 'just'. Are you okay now?"

"Yes, at least my parents know and won't let him in again. You should go now, it's pretty late." It was around 9 pm. 

"Yeah, bye Mari. It was a great game today, thanks for coming." He waved and smiled, getting into his car. I waved back and watched him leave before returning to my house. 

"Mari, you broke up with Johnny? Why? He just asked you to prom?" My parents suddenly bombarded me with questions. 

"Something came up," I said. "I didn't think that I could be with a guy like that."

"Of course, we can trust our Mari to make good decisions." My father nodded at me with approval. "I hope that I can meet my actual son-in-law soon." 

"Honey, it's only high school," my mother said, holding his hands. 

Just saying, my parents are pretty young. They had me after they had just graduated from college at 23 years of age so they were 39 now. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if they said that they were having another child...

"Mari, we have something to tell you."


"You're going to have a baby brother or sister!"

Ah...what?! I calmed myself down, promising myself that I wouldn't be surprised. 

"We thought that since you'll be going away to college soon, we're going to need another kid. You'll be such a great role model!" 

I smiled weakly at my parents. "Awesome!" I was thinking about the math and it suddenly struck me that when this little sibling of mine was 16, I would be 32. Now that was a bit strange..."When's the due date?" I asked. Right now, it was May 16th. 

"October," my Mom said, smiling.

I did the nine months counting and realized that there were around five months left to go. "Oh wow, let's hope it's on Halloween!"

My parents laughed. "Thanks for understanding Mari, you're the best."

I smiled and joined my parents on the couch. 

"But who was that other boy who brought your bag? Is he friends with Johnny?"

"That's Hansol. He's the basketball team captain. He drove me to the game and back. He's not really friends with Johnny anymore. They stopped talking to each other for a while." Because of me, I added in my mind.

"Oh, glad to know that you're making lots of friends Mari." My parents smiled at me and I gave both of them a big hug before walking back to my bedroom.

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