Breaking Up

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I broke down, sobbing, my makeup pouring down in inky waterfalls. 

"Mari? What's wrong?" He sounded so concerned and worried. I started crying even harder. My world became a blur through the tears on my eyes. He started to comfort me, pulling me into a hug but I pushed him away.

"No, stop!" 

"What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

I had never cried harder in my life. "I'm sorry," I managed to say. "I'm breaking up with you." 


"I never loved you. I'm sorry."

It was silent, besides my faint sniffling. I wiped away my tears, knowing that I smudged my makeup. "I'm sorry," I repeated, not wanting to look at him. 

Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulders with his hands and started to shake me. "What are you talking about?!" His eyes were wild and crazy, and I was reminded of Hansol's eyes when I told him I would say yes to Johnny. I saw Hansol standing up, looking at me behind Johnny's back. My teeth shook as Johnny shook me harder. "Mari, how can you say this?!" 

"I'm sorry." I repeated. "I didn't want to hurt you, but it hurts me not being true to myself and you." 

He took his hands off of me and grabbed his messy hair, pulling it. "You didn't want to hurt me?" He snarled angrily. "You should've told me earlier! I loved you Mari Su!" He howled like his heart was breaking. Johnny looked like a madman.


"DON'T EVEN SAY MY NAME!" He glared at me crazily. "How could you Mari?" His angry voice quieted down, holding betrayal and sadness. "How could you?" he whispered. I saw the tears glistening in his eyes and broke down again, feeling like a terrible monster. I fell to my knees. 

"Johnny," I whispered through sobs. "Please forgive me."

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