Why Me?

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(photo above is Johnny)

"You know, I've thought this through. Trust me." Johnny spoke after swallowing a glass of water. 

"Don't trust him," said Taeyong.

"He's crazy," added Yuta.

"I'm not crazy, those girls are," Johnny retorted.

"I agree," said Jaehyun, nodding his head.

"Considering the mental health of those girls, I think that we're probably going to have to protect Mari, don't you guys agree?"

They all nodded in agreement besides Hansol.

"You know Johnny," Hansol started off quietly. "I think she'd be safer if she wasn't involved with us."

"Nah, we're seven boys. We'll be great protectors. Of course we can fight against those girls."

"Johnny," I said. "Why are you so interested in talking to me?"

Yuta and Ten laughed, choking on their water. 

"Because you're different than all those other girls that I've dated before. I'm interested in you because you're different."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hansol staring at Johnny, alarmed.

"Johnny, what are you talking about?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. "I thought we talked about this yesterday."

"Yeah, but I changed my mind." I saw Hansol's face turn dark.

"So Mari, what do you think about dating me and getting to know each other more?" Johnny leaned forward, smiling. He was really attractive. He was also popular and he seemed like a genuine person. But then there was Jess, who I was pretty sure would murder me in my sleep. And Hansol...I just couldn't take him off of my mind.

"Dude," Taeyong punched Johnny lightly in the arm. "Are you crazy? You just broke up with Jess! If you two are dating now, what do you think will happen? They'll think that you gave up Jess for Mari and everyone's going to hate on Mari!" 


"Think about it from her perspective! You're basically going to cause her life at this school to plummet below sea level!"

"Fine. Answer after a couple of days Mari, okay?" He looked at me, expecting an answer.

"Sure," I said, looking down at my food. I thought about what Taeyong said. My life at this school was going to plummet below sea level? It was a strange saying but I was terrified! Hansol had told me that it would be best to remain a nobody! What was I going to do? Why were these boys all trying to be affiliated with me? I looked around the cafeteria and saw almost every girl staring at my table. Turning red, I stared at my food. All seven of these boys already had the hearts of every girl in the school, but why me?

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