So exposed - Chapter 1

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A/N: Huge SHOUTOUT to @ChloeD1997 for editing this chapter! Lots Of Love x

 Chapter 1

I lay on the ice cold bathroom floor, water slowly dripping down my nude body. A cool breeze came out from the slightly ajar window causing me to shiver.  I was in a bad situation; I had slipped as I was getting out from the bath and I was unable to move. My mother was nowhere near home thus leaving me helpless. ‘Well done Ivory, real slick!’ I thought to myself sarcastically.

I started to scream at the top of my voice, partly because I was hoping my mother would have come home early to hear me and help me up. My back was in complete agony. A slow thought crept up to my mind. What if my mother took three  days to come home only to find my dead body lying naked on the bathroom floor? ‘Okay, maybe that was a little too dramatic.’

Having nothing better to do, I looked around my bathroom dully. The walls were painted in a sickly yellow colour. I remembered the day my dad and I had cringed once we found mum had come home with eight cans of the colour. The whole room, along with other rooms inside my house, were decorated with a countless amount of flowers that were mostly wilting away.

I was slightly startled by an unexpected knock on the bathroom door. A smile appeared on my face, I was hoping to be rescued from  my clumsy mistake.

“Mum!” I exclaimed.

“No, it’s me,” an unfamiliar voice spoke from behind the door, making my smile disappear.

“Who’s me?” I questioned the mysterious person who somehow got into or broke into my house.

“Nathan,” he replied.

‘Nathan?’ I thought to myself in confusion. ‘As in Nathan who moved next door three months ago? The guy I had not even had a single conversation with? What in the heck was he doing in my house?’ I frowned.

I soon realized that I was still in fact naked on the floor. “What do you want?” I asked, a voice in my head pleading that he wouldn’t walk in.

“Well I heard you screaming, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, everything’s good!” I told him as soon as I made a decision to attempt to get up, but immediately regretted it when a sharp pain ran up my back, causing me to yelp and fall back down. “No. No, I’m not fine!”

“Do you want me to come in?” He asked, unsurely. I froze for a second and looked around my surroundings, searching for something that could cover me up. My eyes eventually rested on the shower curtain, bingo. With all the strength I could muster, I stretched out my arm, grabbing the curtain and then pulled it down over to my spot to save as much dignity I could. The curtain did not make it any easier since there were rubber ducklings painted all over it.

“Eh...yeah,” I replied hesitantly.

Nathan slowly opened door and commenced walking in. Once he set eyes on me his eyebrows furrowed together. His dark hair clung to his pale face, curling at the ends. His faint icy blue eyes piercing the air around him. He looked as if he was drained of colour, as if he were dead inside. Deep down, he and I knew this wasn’t going to be the last time we’ll meet.

“What happened?” Nathan asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, I-- I slipped getting out of my bath, hurt my back, and can’t move.” I said in one breath.

A small smile appeared on his face for a split second. My heart thumped loudly as he bent over me, scooping my tiny figure into his arms.

“Woah! What are you doing?!” I cried out.

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