I like sitting in the dark and watching you. Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was all alone in the house since after my mother gave me the whole lecture for arriving home late, she had to go attend an urgent vet call out. She was probably going to stay the night at where ever she was called out to. Usually when this happens, I raided the alcohol cupboard but tonight I was in deep thought instead.

The more I thought about this whole Kyle and Miya thing the more I thought about how I was in the wrong. You see, after the accident, I spent the rest of the summer locked up in my room. My friends would come to visit a lot and really helped me through it.

One day, Kyle came alone.It was just two weeks before we went back to school and It was the first time we talked by ourselves since the kiss.


"Knock, knock." Kyle announced, peeping his head through my door. I was sitting Indian style on my bed, writing in my notebook. All this time alone in my room gave me a lot of time to think about Kyle and I. The more I thought about it, the more I realised I didn't actually have a crush on him anymore. The reality of our kiss was nothing like my expectations. I was only in love with the whole idea, that I lied to myself about how I really felt about Kyle.

"Hey," I smiled, moving over so he could sit beside me.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Kyle asked. There was a smile on his face but I knew he was genuinely worried.

"I'm good."

"Thats great." There was an awkward pause for a moment. Neither of us knew what say.

"Listen," we both said at the same time. The awkward situation doubled.

"Eh-you go first." Kyle said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

I cleared my throat. I didn't want to break his heart but I also didn't want to lead him on. Anyway he was better off, I had some serious baggage.

"Well, you see... About the kiss- I don't think us," I pointed between him and I, "is going to work out. I'm sorry."

"Would you say the same thing if the accident never happened?" Kyle said calmly. He didn't look upset, he instead had a very serious face.

"Probably. Well maybe not as soon but I would eventually figure out that I didn't have feelings for you. Again, I'm so sorry." I put my hand over his.

Kyle picked up my hand in his and brought it up to this lips. He held my hand tightly against him and closed his eyes.

"You shouldn't be sorry. You should never be sorry Ivory. I was going to suggest that we put the kiss behind us aswell. I was afraid I would hurt your feelings. I really like you Ivory, as a friend." Kyle gently let my hand go while keeping his eyes locked on mine.

"Just out of curiosity, if the accident didn't happen would you still be saying this?" I asked. I wasn't angry, I wasn't upset. I was glad he felt the same way.

"If the accident didn't happen, I would probably give our relationship a chance but I don't think I feel anymore then just your close friend. I hope we can still be friends." Kyle looked a little ashamed. I can see why, he was ending something with a girl who went through a tragedy over a month ago. Even though I technically ended whatever it was first.

"I would love to be your friend Kyle. I really would." A tear gathered in my eyes. I needed as many friends as I could get at this time. Kyle put his arms around me and hugged me.

"I'm just glad we both feel the same way." I mumbled into his shoulder.

"I'm glad too. You're one special girl Ivory Williams and no matter what I'll be always here for you." Kyle softly replied. He rubbed his hands in circular motions on my back. It's funny how just a simple gesture can give me reassurance that everything was going to be okay.

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