Chapter 6: the troubled beginning

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Edd left kevin's house before the clock struck ten. Edd said he had responsibilities he needed to attend the next day so he couldn't stay longer. In reality Edd couldn't get his mind off of Kevin's body long   enough to focus on their conversation. Kevin's body meaning the scars. Edd knew that Kevin had a tough life; his mother died when he was young and his father wasn't known to be the kindest. However, it was difficult for Eddward to understand how someone would hurt themselves like that. Edd stopped mid thought when he heard his stomach scream at him, he attempted to ignore it at first yet the pains grew so he pressed his fist to his stomach as he walked into the kitchen. He quickly removed himself from the area and walked into his bathroom in his room and removed his clothes and his beanie as he stepped in front of his full length mirror. Edd was gazing at his rib cage and began crying for he finally understood. He may not have been hurting himself with anything, but he was hurting himself. Edd decided to talk to kevin. He knew they haven't officially became a thing and they aren't that close but he knew the right thing to do was to fix this for the both of them.

To: kevin

From: Edd

I am troubled with a thought I think should be addressed. Would you mind?

From: Kevin

To: Edd

No go for it, is everything alright? Are you second guessing?

To: Kevin

From: Edd

No, nothing like that. I don't know how to say this but....I noticed your scars. As well as the burn that is on your arm. I don't mean to cross any boundaries, yet, I feel like it's something we should address so we can grow.

From: Kevin

To: Edd

This isn't something I feel comfortable texting, if you let me come over we can talk about it.

To: kevin

From: Edd


Kevedd Fanfiction: Going through ChangesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon