Chapter 21: Who were we?

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I left Double D's house early, I didn't want to interrupt his sleep and I had to get to practice. I quickly scribbled a note on his whiteboard and gathered my clothes and got dressed in the hall. I hurried and ran across the street to my motorcycle only to see my father, passed out, on the front porch.

I quickly ran to him, already irritated, and pulled him through the front door. I struggled to get the old man on his bed before taking off his shoes, while attempting to do it in the five minutes I had before I was late. I was just about to shut the door when I heard him beginning to mumble. 

"Dad?" I ask as I walk to the bed.

"Kev." he says with a slight drunken smile on his face, "Kev my boy! My boy whose fuckin' a boy!" The smile vanished from his face when he realized what he said. "What happened to that girl, the one you said you loved? She reminded my of your mother." 

"Go to bed dad," I say already tearing up.

"Kev?" he asks as I reach the door, "I'm sorry. About your mother. I should have told ya she was sick sooner. So you had time to say goodbye."

 I don't say a word to my father as I exit the house and walk to my bike and start it and speed out of the drive. I know my destination was practice but I need somewhere much farther away. 

I have to forget who I was. 


I woke up later than usual, the sun was already up and shining bright. I could already sense the emptiness of the bed next to me. I sigh. I never was the person to believe that you can miss someone in only a few seconds, but here I am, I am not that person. 

I wake up and glance at the room around me, it's a mess. Kevin's underwear are on the computer chair and my own clothes are scattered around the room. God only knows the last time I did laundry, or updated my post-it-notes. 

I glance around once more and see the red marker that covers the whiteboard, "LOVE YA BABE! Got practice. Text ya l8ter :) ;3 

I don't even mind that he left the cap off the marker. I think to myself that I should erase the board and clean up my room, but the thought of removing anything Kevin seemed worse than an unorganized room. I guess you can say I am losing sense of who I used to be. 

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