Chapter 19: Should we lock the door.

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Edd woke up at noon the next day, which is extremely unusual so the persistent knocking from his mother came with reason. Edd smiles at the memories from last night and quickly looked at his side and found...relief when Kevin wasn't there. The moment was filled with joy, but only briefly. Edd was no longer use to waking up alone. Edd snaps out of his mental moment to remember the knocking at his door.

"Eddward dear!" his mother shouts while knocking, "Are you alright? It's well past morning. Are you feeling well?"

Edd takes a deep breathe, "Yes mother! I am quite okay, I was up late studying a case study." 

"Alright, get ready soon. Your father and I are only in town for a few days and we would love to hear how you have been." 

Edd doesn't bother to reply as he knows his mother is well down the stairs to join his father on the porch with their morning coffee and stacks of paperwork. Edd hopes out of bed and gathers his clothes for the shower, sucking his teeth tasting what was left of last night's rendezvous. 


Kevin wakes up to the vibration of his phone on his side. 

"Hello?" Kevin asks not bothering to look at the caller ID.


"Oh! Hey babe. Is everything alright?"

"Yea, yea. My parents are here for only a few days and they would like me to out to dinner with them and offered for a friend to come along."

Kevin understood the hint in Double D's voice, yet uncertainty filled his body. He was anxious. Kevin never took a moment to actually say to himself that he was gay. He was in love...with a boy. When Kevin's dad found out from the kids at school he locked him out of the house for a week; Double D let him stay with him and he didn't ask why kevin wanted to. It wasn't that Kevin was ashamed of loving Double D, it was that he knew the moment of a father looking at him with disappointment in his eyes and Kevin didn't want Double D to witness that. He knew that he could call it off and say he couldn't make it, but he knew that safest option was the truth. 

"Listen D," Kevin began, "I have to tell you something. I.."

Double D cut him off before he finished, "I get it. You don't want our parents to know. If mine know your dad will find out. It's dandy. I get it. It was a stupid ques..."

"NO!" kevin shouts.


"My dad already knows. That's why I asked to stay at your house for a while. He kicked me out.."

"I'm so sor..."

"No, no, no. Don't be. The only reason I am hesitant on going is because I don't want you to feel what it is like to be a disappointment to your family. I don't want you to ever feel unloved by anyone."

"Kevin, I don't care if anyone loves me as long as you do."

Kevin was speechless. No one has ever said they cared so much and Kevin felt it. He felt inside he knew that Double D was being truthful. 

"I'll be right over for our date." 

"I can't wait for my parents to meet you.I love you."

"Not as much as I love you" 


Kevin jumped into the shower and quickly got dressed in his nicest clothes. AKA a sweater that Double D left. It was a little tight and "gay" looking. 


Kevin walked in his backyard and quickly cut some roses of his mother's rose bush and peeled the thorns off with his pocket knife on his way across the cul-va-sac to Double D's house. Kevin has never met the parents of someone he has dated. 




Kevin heard the voices behind the door. 

"Eddward, is that your date? I still don't understand why you didn't pick her up."

"Mother, please don't make assumptions." 

"I don't understand why you say that. You have done nothing but repeat that every time I mentioned her." Eddward's mom says no more words when she opens the door and sees Kevin holding roses and looking quite...shy. 

Eddward quickly walks past his mother to grab Kevin's hand and leads him inside. At this moment Eddward's dad enters the front hall as well with a confused look on his face. Attempting to figure out the situation. Double D, concerned about the situation looks over at kevin you has a terrified look on his face. Double D looks around the room one more time before kissing Kevin right on the lips in front of his parents. 

"Mother, father. I'd like you to meet my boyfriend. Kevin." 

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