Chapter 1

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Mello's POV
"That stupid sheep always sh*ting all over my grades!"
I said to Matt taking a viscous bite out my chocolate bar.
" why does he always have to be better then me!?!"

"Seriously Mels calm down"

"I can't calm down that stupid f*cking albino runt is always getting a better grade then me! I studied really hard this time and he still beat me by one stupid point!"

"I know you've said it a billion times" Matt said rolling his eyes "why don't you just stop thinking about him?"

"What the h*ll Matt who's side are you on!?! I can't stop thinking about him, I hate him"

"If you hate him then you shouldn't think about him, you're like a school girl with a crush"

I threw a social studies textbook at Matt's head "WHAT THE F*CK! I do NOT like Near you *sshole"

"jeez Mello I was just kidding"
Matt said rubbing his sore cheek "I'm gonna go get some ice for this and you better apoligize when I get back, that really hurt!"
I scowled at Matt's back as he left the room. 'I hate apologizing'

An: that was the first chapter! My updates will be really all over the place bc I write everything down on paper first so I'll write like four chapters in a day and then there will be nothing and then a bunch and so on but I hope you liked it.


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