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Near's POV
~4 years later~

"Near I've come for my photo"



"Please take off your hood I want to see you."

Mello reluctantly took his hood down. I saw the scar running down his face.

"Mello..."  I reached out and gently touched it. He winced. "Does it hurt?"

"No." He said looking disgusted but not with me, with himself.
He looked into my eyes for a moment before turning around "I need to go now."

"But Mello! It's been four years since I've seen you. Do you no longer care about me?"

"Of course I care Near! But if I don't leave now I'm going to kiss you and that's not fair to you, especially since I left you at-"

I cut Mello off my pressing my lips to his.

~later that night~
I lay with Mello my fingers over the scar that he hated so much. I thought it suited him, making him look beautiful and powerful. My eyelids were beginning to droop and I couldn't help but ask the same question.

"Mello, when I wake, will you promise me, you'll still beholding me, that I'll still be in your arms..."

"Go to sleep Near."  I knew what that meant but I did as I was told holding onto him even tighter. I didn't know when I would get to see Mello again, If ever.

~the next morning~

I yawned and curled my knees up to my chest, holding back tears. I didn't open my eyes.  'Not yet I don't want to wake up to an empty bed again.'

"Ow your knees are boney"

My eyes flew open and I saw Mello gazing at me lovingly. I smiled brightly
"You stayed..."

"You asked me to didn't you?" 

"You didn't the last two times..."

Mello gave me an apologetic look "well you know what they say, third times a charm."
I could tell Mello didn't want to talk about this but I had to know why he left me.

"Why did you leave, we could have worked together"

"I've known from the moment L died that you were meant to be first and I was meant to be second."

"But L never chose a successor."

"I meant in the game, that we're playing with Kira. You're supposed to be first, to win and I'm supposed to be second, to loose. That's just the way that it's going to go, always has, always will."

I felt a price of me break. It was so heartbreaking seeing him like this. Mello has always been the strongest, most determined person and now he's given up.

"And I know that this will be my end. Because that is role I play, I am the runner up who's to angry and chaotic to possibly make it out alive. But I can help you get as far as I can. I'm not going to be useless to you and L."

I looked up at him sadly and also concerned. "What are you planning Mello?"

He smiled slightly "Mihael, my names Mihael Kheel. I have to go now, I just wanted to hold you one last time."

I climbed on top of his chest using all the strength I had to hold him down.

"What is so important that you do, that you will willingly go in and do it knowing you'll die!? What Mihael, what?"

He reached up and stroked my cheek "it's the only way to insure you win and you need to win. Not only to defeat Light Uagami but I can't have you die, you need to stay alive for me alright Near?"

He kissed me and I relaxed which was a terrible idea as he was easily able to flip us around and climb off the bed.

"Goodbye Near, I love you."

With that he left the room and began to walk away from me again. I quickly ran after him and caught him just as he was exiting the building.
"Nate! Nate Rivers." I said quietly making sure the cameras wouldn't be able to pick it up. Mello pulled me into a hug "I like that name Nate." He whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

~a few days later~

I received a call from Lidner.

"Near, Mello has just kidnapped Takada."

So that's what he was planning...

"Follow him." I ordered before hanging up the phone.

He knows that he's going to die, I know that he's going to die but I still sent her after him with a tiny amount of hope that maybe, just maybe he could be saved. That he could escape but deep down I knew he wouldn't.

Mello's POV

I felt my heart clenching. I gasped for air, feeling an extreme amount of pain. I slumped over resting my head against the steering wheel. I took in a final breath. 'Good luck Nate'

Near's POV

"Near he set the truck that he and Takada were in on fire."

"No he didn't, Kira did." I replied my words full of hate and disgust.
Lidner didn't respond

"Is his body still intact?"

"He's extremely burnt, you can't even tell its him..."

'How dare he, how dare Kira take away the one I loved most. I'll make him taste his own complete and utter failure. I'll make him wish he had never picked up that god damn notebook.'

"Have them send the body to Wammy's house with the name Mihael Kheel and tell them to transfer his body to wherever L has been buried."

"Yes sir, do you want to see the body first?"


An: and that's the end of this chapter. Also I know that I already used the photograph scene in another fanfiction but that's one of my favourite scenes. I hope you like it the next chapter is the last one and I'll be posting it on Tuesday. Thanks for reading:)

RIP Mello
RIP Matt

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