Awkward breakfasts and out of character sucessors

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Matt's POV
Breakfast was weird as f*ck. Near just sat there looking depressed and Mello didn't even glance in Near's direction. They stayed weird all day, Near staring of in space and Mello being oddly quiet. But he seemed relaxed. Was Mello happy that Near was acting like this? Who knows what go's on in that sugar hyped brain of his. After all of our classes Mello had to go to the office which left Near and I alone. As soon as we entered I got down to business.

"Alright Near, what the hell is wrong with you?" Near's lips trembled slightly

"L-last night. I asked Mello to s-sleep with me and he did and l-later I had a night terror and he kissed me and comforted me. But it was just a d-dream." Near said quickly, on the verge of tears.

I looked at him with a confused expression "no it wasn't."

"Yes it was Mello was on the floor when I woke up and said he didn't do any of that."

"No he did I saw him. I woke up when I heard you crying but Mello was already there holding you and stuff."

Then Mello walked in and I glared at him.

"You're an *sshole Mello." I said he gave me a questioning look

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm gonna give you two a bit." I said getting up and making sure to run into Mello on the way out.

Mello's POV

Matt got up and left. He bumped into me on the way out. I looked over at for the first time today, he looked angry but sad.

"Uhh.... Near?"

"You made me think it was a dream. B-but Matt saw you."


"Why would you do that Mello!" Now Near was standing.


"What's wrong with you!"

"Look Near I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kiss you and sh*t! It just... Sorta happened. I didn't mean anything by them."

"You think that's what I'm mad about! I'm mad that you can't make up your mind! Sometimes you act like you care and sometimes you act like I disgust you!"
Near screamed I was shocked is never seen Near like this before, showing all of his emotions and thoughts and he was sharing them with me. I didn't know what to do. Near stormed over and shoved me.

"Make up your mind because this is driving me mad!"

I know what I need to say 'I hate you, you disgust me. I will never love you.' That's what I should say, to spare him because there's no way this will work out he's always first and I can't stand that. Being L is the most important thing to me. If I tell Near that I love him, that I always have because it's true, it will only end up hearing him later. I need to tell him I don't. But I'm selfish.

He went to shove me again, I grabbed his wrists and pulled himself me we were centimetres apart. He slowly looked up at me.

"What are you hoping I'll say?" I asked

"What you really feel... I want you to tell me the truth."

I smirked. "What I really think hey?" I pushed him away and saw a pained look on his face, the look of rejection. I pushed him again and again until he fell back on the bed. I climbed over top of him.

"I think we were interrupted last time, weren't we?"

Near was shaking like mad, he only nodded.

"Hello Near" I whispered

"Hi" he managed to choke out.

I leaned down and he leaned up slightly. Finally our lips touched. Instantly I felt a thousand butterfly's in my stomach and my eyes fluttered shut. I pulled away after about ten seconds. I opened my eyes and looked at Near, he was blushing and his breath was heavier. I realized that Near had never been touched much, let alone like this. I leaned down and nuzzled my fave into his neck.

"Was that okay?" I asked

He was still shaking a little bit. He nodded quickly and I began to kiss his neck, he pulled me back to his lips. We stopped when we heard a knock at the door.

"It's Matt can I come in now?"

Near sighed and I smirked climbing off of him and moving to sit behind him.


He slowly peeked his head in "nobody's been murdered?"

"Nope" I said laughing slightly

Matt came in and looked at Near

"What happened to him?"

"I have no clue" I replied grinning mischievously.

"Mello weren't you telling me not to molest people just the other day?"

"I didn't say you couldn't molest people. I said you could molest Near, he's mine." I said posses icky wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his neck. Near blushed slightly and squirmed.

Matt grinned. "Finally!"

An: firstly, I will be changing the name when I wake. Which will make more sense later on. Also I have already written the ending but lost the notebook I was writing it in so sorry for such a long wait. I will be continuing it but warning it is no longer fluff. I you can't stand story's that don't end in fluff then this is prob the end of the story for you. Anyways hope you enjoyed it.

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