Go to sleep Near

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Mello's POV

~7 months later~
L had died. He hadn't chosen a successor. Near and I had cried and held each other. Once he left I began to pack but he came in before I finished.


"Mello! What are you doing!"

I froze. I thought I had locked the door!?!

"You were gonna leave Wammy's , you were gonna leave me."

I felt as if I had just been stabbed. I put on a hard face.

"Near, L didn't chose a successor..."

"We can work together!" He exclaimed on the verge of tears. I couldn't leave now. Not like this.

I smiled and stopped packing. I pulled Near close to me and hugged him tightly.

~flashback ends~

Near and I were cuddled up close. It was late, nearly two am and I could tell Near was tired.

"Near, you look exhausted. You need some sleep."

"Mello, when I wake up, will you promise me, that you'll still be holding me. That I'll still be in your arms."

I gave Near a long, sweet kiss. "Go to sleep Near."

About an hour later I slipped out of bed. I grabbed my bag and left my photo on the dresser for Near. I stood at the doorway for a moment looking at Near as he slept
' I knew that there couldn't be a happy ending, I knew I would hurt him. why did I tell him. I never should have. I'm sorry Near I love you. I always have even if I was to blind to see it. I'm sorry. Goodbye.'

Tears streamed down my face as I left Wammy's, as I left my dreams, as I left my friends, as I left him.

An: 2 chapters in one night! I thought it would be a nice way to apologize for the wait. I hope you liked it. There's only gonna be 2 more chapters. Hope you enjoyed it! 

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