The final chapter

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Near's POV
~15 years later~

The past 15 years have been boring and lonely. I took over as L like I had always wanted but I still felt empty. I was sitting in the back of Rester's car that was flipped over and on fire, Rester unconscious in the front. I smiled slightly 'I'm going to die in a car accident... That's a little anticlimactic' I closed my eyes and let the darkness swallow me whole.

I woke up in a bed at Whammy's. The room was bright and all white except for a boy with a big scar on his face, black leather with golden hair and sky blue eyes. He was sitting in a chair attacking a chocolate bar.


"Hey Near"

I looked at myself. I was shorter and thinner, my hair was longer and messy. I looked like I did when Mello died...

"Where are we? Some sort of afterlife?"

"Took you long enough. This room is boring as f*ck but I wanted to wait for you."

I smiled and practically flew out of the bed and over wrapping my arms around him he hugged me back tightly.

"I missed you Nate."

"I missed you too Mihael."

He finally kissed me again after years. He slowly got up and reached his hand out to me.


"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere we want to" he said smiling

I took his hand and we left in search for adventure together.

The End.

An: it's finished! Took me long enough for this update. I tried to turn it around and make the end happy again. Thank you so much for reading this book, I'm surprised you stuck with it tell the end:) I hope you liked the story.
My next one will be a MakoHaru fanfic so read if you want to.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2015 ⏰

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