Chapter 3

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Near's POV
I had told Matt that the only reason I didn't want Mello to know about the puppet was because I didn't want to get beat up. But there was another reason, Mello is very smart and if he saw the puppet he would know. He would know that I wanted to be friends, that I have feelings and that I'm sad and lonely. That would not be pleasant. It may seem strange that I want to be friends with Mello the one who hates me, the one who harms me but Mello is extremely smart and is the only person I can have an intelligent conversation with, not to mention he is also extremely interesting. He's the only person who has a chance of solving the puzzle that is Nate Rivers, even I can not solve it because Mello is a piece of of my puzzle. I need him to be completed at least as affirms but I would prefer if we were more. I must admit I am rather worried, I have to put my trust in Matt. Not that Matt's a bad person , he's just very loyal to Mello and his plans are always very strange and out of the box. Matt's way of thinking is very different from both Mello and I's. It's either absolutely brilliant or a complete failure, and that's what worries me about Matt. If he is scheming )which he no doubt is because that's what we are tougher at Wammy's) it can change my life drastically. I will be either the happiest I have ever been with beautiful, intelligent friend (hopefully more) or said boy will kill me and spend his life in jail. Neither of us will be able to become the next L because I'll be dead and he'll be in jail and that will leave Matt. Then all those who depend on L will be doomed because like I sad Matt's plans are either absolutely brilliant or they fail miserably. Which is why at the moment I'm so nervous, I'm to nervous to place with my dice, I'm shaking. I sighed and got up to get my puppet and then Mello's. In my games Mello always apologizes and says that he doesn't hate me and we hug. We be one friends and I'm happy. On bad days Mello does all of that but he also kisses me and says he loves me. We leave we don't stay and be L, we live our own lives forgetting about the burden that was placed on us at such a young age and everything's fine. We travel the world and it consist of the two of us, just the two of us in love. We live our own life instead of having planned out for us. I ended up playing my little game for hours, getting lost in my daydreams. I got up taking the puppet of Mello with me. Before I closed my eyes I looked at it and smiled

"L or not, you Mello will go on to live a great life, that I am certain of."

Then I closed my eyes thoughts of Mello danced through my head before I fell asleep.

An: hello! I'm sorry that this chapter was slow and boring but I wanted you to see how Near looks up to Mello and loves him very much. Well next Chapter will be Mello's POV so you know that something's gonna happen ;)
Thanks for reading!!


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