Chapter 2

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Iza got through an eleven-hour flight. However, her stay at the airport didn't take too much time; the plane wasn't late either. She bravely said goodbye to her parents, later, as the other passengers, boarded the plane. Finding her place she had taken a sit and took out a book from her bag which Iza bought recently - an English version of John Lennon's biography. She started to read and be lost in her book. In about two hours, Iza felt tired. So she put the book into the bag and put her headphones on. Then, she fell asleep immediately.

She woke up and looked at her watch. Nine forty six in the evening. Iza thought she was sleeping at most three hours! Well, it had to be seven hours earlier in Gotham for that moment. A communication about landing in five minutes. She looked out the window and saw large office blocks, many busy streets, bridges, also a wide river and a train on the railway tracks (a few floors above the ground!). The plane started to land slowly, so she could take a look at the lively city. Except the buildings, she saw green lawns and trees.

Finally, the plane landed. Iza started preparing herself for leaving it. She took her phone out of her pocket, turned off airplane mode, texted her parents about her good arrival to Gotham and that she would call them in about three hours when she's in Amy's and Caroline's house. Slowly, she started to go outside. As she got down the stairs, she looked the city view curiously. Going through a secuirty gate she heard her phone ringing. It was Caroline. Iza answered the phone.

"Hi Iza, where are you? We're waiting for you next to the baggage claim."

"Hey Caroline. I'll be there in a min... Oh, sorry!" Iza didn't finished her sentence beacuse she bumped straight into Amy.

What a surprise. Seeing them live for the first time, Iza was looking at Amy and Caroline for awhile. The girl was pretty, slim, much more taller than Iza. She had blue eyes and blonde hair, also she was smiling. Amy was short, her hair was dark and curly. Because of her hazel eyes and dark complexion you could say they looked completely different.
Amy hugged Iza first.

"So good to see you! How was your flight?"

"Thanks, you too. It was okay, I was sleeping most of the time." Iza said, surprised by that warm welcome.

"Hey." Caroline walked towards her and kissed Iza on the cheek. "Finally here."

"So what are we waiting for? Collect your luggage and we're going home. It's rush hour now, traffic jams every street." Amy chased Iza up. "At home you're going to eat something and take a rest."

Iza nodded. They went to take her bags. Then, weakly, they transported them on the parking, into a blue van which turned out to be Caroline's car. The owner sat behind the wheel.

"How far is your house from that place?" Iza asked, getting in the car.

"About six miles. But, when we're there, depends on traffic. Even up to two hours," Amy said. "Maybe you want to drink water? Still cold." She stretched out her hand with a bottle toward Iza.

"Yeah, please." During drinking, Iza felt how thirsty she was. She cracked open a car window and leaned her hand against the door. The sun was blinding her, so she put her windsors on. She felt wind blowing. Iza smiled. So this is Gotham.


I know, I know, still boring, but give me a little time! :D And... comment! :)

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