Chapter 7

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A month and a half has just passed since Iza has lived in Gotham. After the event with The Joker, which had ended by putting him in Arkham, everything was back to normal. The Batman was still helping the police with catching criminals what let him distract the citizens' of Gotham attention from his lack of intervention from his side during Will Carter mutilation (people were discussing this a lot before, some of them were defending Batman, saying it was an unhappy coincidence, besides, there were police in this city for something; the others were standing pat stubbornly, claming Batman should have espied this psychopath as soon as possible). Iza, by contrast, started to go to school which she's liked so far. She enjoyed those lessons and teachers. Thanks to Caroline, she also had struck up an acquaintance with many new people and didn't regret meeting anybody. As Iza could see, most of these guys, who attended that school, were really cool - tolerant, nice, multicultural, multireligious... just like the USA. So she had a chance to talk to them about various topics without needless quarrels and argufies.

Her every week was similar. From Monday to Friday, she used to be at school, afternoons, get back home. Weekends, Iza used to go to parties with Caroline or just stay at home. Every two or three days, Iza used to contact with her parents.

That evening, she was sitting at home alone. Amy was working the night shift and Caroline went out on her longed-for date (Caro had told Iza earlier that she wasn't going to come back home predawn). Iza didn't take it in her stride, really. That's because she didn't intend to go anywhere, but preferred to stay in her room than, listening to music and maybe reading some books, alternatively.

She went to the kitchen for something to drink. Later, going upstairs, it seemed to her that Iza could hear some footsteps. So she stopped on the last stair. Silence. Most evidently, it had to be just her imagination. She came back to her room, sat at the desk and lit a cigarette. Another sound. Iza started to feel disturbed. It wasn't Caroline for sure because, coming back home, she has always turned on the light, first. However, at that time, Iza couldn't see palelight falling into her room. Amy left an hour ago so it wasn't possible she's already come back. Being panicked, Iza didn't know what to do. She was sure there was a burglar, downstairs. Iza took her phone to call 911.


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