Uh Oh.

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Alexis POV

"......... Heeeeeey...." An awkeard silence occurs then, My mothers boyfriend slowly exits the room. If he tells my mama I'd never be able to go out on my own again. "Shieet, is we done?" I glare at Camille, "of course we are! Dont mention this to anyone, got it?" I slowly sit up and Camille gets off of me. "Damn ma, I hope you don't get in trouble for this." I WILL get in trouble for this. I stand up quickly " I cannot let my Mom find out that I had sex in HER house." I had made a promise to her that I'd never break the rules.... But I guess that wouldn't really mater because I did sneak out of the house but I have to somehow tell Johnny to not tell my mom. "Come on Cami." I put on some basketball shorts. Camille kisses her teeth and stands up.

Camille POV

Cami.... I never let anyone call me that before but for some reason I don't mind Alexis using it. I try to guess what is going on in that head of hers while I'm following her down these steps. It's weird fucking around with another stud but Alexis is like a Fem that dresses like a boy, if that makes any sense. As I'm drowning in my own thoughts I don't notice Alexis calling my name. "CAMILLE!" "Huh?" She looks at me like ive lost my mind, which I have. "I'm so scared..." I obviously dont know what to say. I've never been caught having sex with another individual, even if I was, my parents wouldn't care. The silence is broken when we hear the door open "Im homeeeee!" Her mom walks into the house excited. "Welcome home" I say smiling. Right now im trying to get on her good side. "I forgot the spaghetti sauce!" She walks into the kitchen and does whatever she's doing. "I think you'll be fine." I say smiling.

Alexis POV

Camille made me feel alot better but Johnny hasn't said anything, yet. I try to keep quit but not to quiet that it looks like im hiding something. I do feel as if I should really apologize to mama...but not right now, I gotta keep Johnny from saying something. Mom brings the food to the table. It looks so good. "Alright" she takes her seat "sha'll we say grace?" Everyone nods and bows their heads

God i ask for you to bless this food, which we will be feasting on and that you will take back any substances that may harm us.We Thank you so very much for this meal and we are very blessed to be able to enjoy it. In Jesus name I pray, "Amen"

After we say Grace we begin eating "So Lexi, who's your friend?" I almost spit out my food. "Johnny this is Camille, Camille, Johnny" I immediately shoves food in my mouth "Well it's nice meeting you Camille." Johnny smiles and then looks at me. Wow, he's so embarrassing. "You must be so full after all the eating you did earlier" this time I choke on my food. I cough loudly." Yeah i am, it's getting late, it was so nice meeting you Mama and Johnny but I have to go, thank you so much for the wonderful meal!" She stands up "byeee! " mom says "see you another time" Johnny says. As soon as Camille exits, I stretch. "Welp, im very full I'm gonna crash." I stand up "Hey, Lexi can i talk to you for a second?" I nod ans we both walk to another room. "Alexis im really disappointed in you" ignore him. I can't stand him to be honest I don't know why my mom even likes him - "And I'm sure your mom would be disappointed as well I mean, what would she do knowing that her only daughter is having sex, with another female?" I scratch my head, he's right. My mom would go on a killing spree. "You aren't going to tell my mom are you?" "Tell me what?" I quickly turn around. "Oh hey mama." I try to play off everything. But my mom is smart. "Alexis! Don't you dare play with me, you hear?!" I nod. I can't tell her what happened. Not yet. " mom.... Um... This is a private conversation between me and Johnny..." I try to say in the nicest way I could. She glares at the both of us and she slowly walks away. Phew.... I try really hard to convince Johnny not to snitch on me. We talk about it for a long time. Finally he says that he won't tell mom, but doesn't tell me why. But hey.. I'm cool with it. Out of all my secrets this is the most secretive.

I wake up super early, that talk last night is making me have a very hard time trying to sleep. My phone buzzes

Camiiii❤: You awake sleepy head?

Me: Now I am, what you want?

Camiiii❤: imma need you to meet me by my locker.

Me: You should've waited to tell me this at like 5 something. Its too

Camiiii❤: ugggh. I have a surprise for you. Nigga meet me by my locker.

Me: calm your tits

Camiiii❤: My tits are never calm around you .

Me: ew. You have absolutely no chill. And text me back at a decent hour. I'm trying to sleep.

Camiiii❤: but it's 6 am...

I quickly panick and I look at my alarm clock

Camiiii❤: JK

Me: UGH I hate you. I thought my time was wrong and I over slept.

Camiiii❤: my bad. But you should get some rest. Got a big day ahead tomorrow.

Me: um... Okay.

XD hey imma stop right there for now... I've been working on this since last night trying to make this lengthy for y'all.

PerryHoe Is my helper so follow her please. She helped me plan this whole chapter ❤

What y'all think the surprise is?

Will Johnny keep his word?

Did Camille make a good choice by leaving?

Do you think Camille and Alexis relationship will get closer or will they spread apart?

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