Fuck you.

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Alexis POV

I sit up wondering what the hell she could be hiding from me, like the fuck. Maybe she wants to talk about what happened the other day? I look at the clock "Oh hell no!" I should've been at school 27 minutes ago!!! I jump up instantly and I run out the room, down the stairs. "Have a good day baby, don't forget your muffin" I quickly walk over and I grab it. "Tell Camille hi for me" Johnny says smirking at me. "Fuck you" I mumble. I text Camille.


Camiiii❤: What?


Camiiii❤: Man for what?

Me: I didn't mean to blow you off like that, I was in deep thought and you know... I didn't really mean to..!

Camiiii❤: W.e. I gtg.


"Shit." I keep walking until I arrived at the school. I quickly walked in and went it the main office to pick up my late pass to give to my second period teacher. "Here you go sweetheart make sure you're on time." I hear the bell ring. Maybe I'll be able to catch up with Camille. I speed walk to the other side of the building and I see Camille with some feminine girl and I immediately approach them. "Camille. I'm sooooo sorry." I beg for her forgiveness. "I don't care, Its what ever." I think for a second "So what was it you wanted to show m-" I was interrupted by the girl "Boo imma go. I don't have the time to stand around." Then she walks off. I frown. "....Boo?..."


"Wait, I'm confused."

More silence.

The second bell rings. " I got to go to class. Bye."

What is wrong with her?! Did I do something wrong? What did she want to give me...worse... Is Camille having relations with this female?!

Camille POV

I feel bad. I know she didn't mean to do it. But I just want to let her know that its not okay to do it. I guess i was going to ask her to be mine but you know, forget it. I'm not ready to be in a relationship right now. I'm just down to fuck. My phone vibrates and I unlock it and open it.

Katrina (Girl she was walking with earlier): Can we go to Starbucks at lunch time?

Me: ._. I got stuff to do.

Katrina: Plzz Plzzzzz Plzzzzzzzzzz.

Rolls my eyes.

Me: Fine, whatever.

Katrina: Then Netflix and chill?

Me: Now you asking for too much, we just friends, nothing more.

Katrina: FINE. Be that way.

Actually, Katrina is sexy asf.

Me: Okay, Netflix and Chill

Katrina: YAY!!!!


Netflix and chill ?

Do you think Camille is going to do that with Katrina?

Why is Camille keeping all these secrets from Alexis?

Is Alexis gonna find out?

Sorry its so short.

(Katrina in Media)

I didn't edit this so if there is any errors, forgive me.

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