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Camille POV~

Maybe I shouldn't do this, I think to myself. As I'm about to leave the door swings open."Camillie!!!" Katrina squeals. "Come in." I silently step into her house, not greeting her at all. "Why are you so slient." She asks, trailing off to another room. "Just Thinking." I lay down on the couch biting my nails. "You nervous?" She walks out taking her hair out of the messy bun it was originally in, along with just her bra and panties on. "You shouldn't be nervous around me.." She moves closer to me, causing me to frown. "I'll only take care of you" She climbs ontop of me coming closer for a kiss.


Alexis POV~

No matter how wrong Camille was to do that sort of thing to me, I just couldn't keep my mind off of her. The fact that we hurt each other tore me to pieces. Not only do I regret not paying attention, but I also regret not stopping her. Right now she and that..... girl are probably... UGH. the thought of it just makes my chest hurt. "God, why do i have to be so.... stupid.?" I say out loud. My door slowly creeks open causing me to calm down. "Alexis, what's the deal with all of the yelling and where is your friend?" Johnny asks me. "None of your business, and none of your business" "Look, I understand you hate me, but I'm really a good guy.... you can trust me.. tell me i'll listen." I look up at him "Camille and I .... um-"He interupts "Broke up?" Close but not quite. "No, she's mad at me." I mutter. "Mad? Is this beacuse of me?" He speaks, coming closer. "Nope, it's because I was being stupid and wasn't paying attention.." I rub my arms, feeling guilty. "Look, You aren't stupid.... but maybe this is for the best?" His words anger me. "Why do you say that?" "Because you shouldn't be have sexual intercourse with a female, and you're TOO YOUNG!" His voice raises. I SHUSH him. "Be quiet, there's nothing wrong with loving another female." I scowl. "No, but premarital sex is wrong. " He says sitting next to me on my bed. "She's bringing you down the wrong road an-" I cut him off "You know what? Maybe you should exit my room." "I'm just trying to help" he was, but I wasn't trying to hear it. "Get out." I point towards the door. He walks over the the door exiting while saying, "I feel bad for you.." Once again, his words made me furious. I threw a pillow over my head and I attempted to fall asleep.


Camille POV~

"I can't." I tell Katrina. Her expression went dull. "Are you still thinking about HER?" She crosses her arms. "And if I am?" I sit up staring at her. " Why don't you love me? You just met that gi-" I interupt her "She has a name." "I don't give a fuck what her name is!" she screams "You're so stupid! You can see she doesn't give a flying fuck about you. " "You're wrong." I was tripping, so much. She's probably so hurt right now and it's all my fault.. I should've understood the fact that she forgot or wasn't paying attention. I forgive her. I do. "Am I wrong? Really Cam? I'M WRONG?!" She again starts screaming. I gently push her off of me. "LOVE ME!" She demands "Nah fam, you don't deserve my love." I walk out leaving her on the couch. As I leave I hear her begin to cry, but I didn't care. All I really cared about was getting my baby back... If I can.

Alexis POV~

No matter how much I tried I ust could not sleep. While Camille is probably having fun, here I am pouting. Maybe Johnny is right.... Maybe I do need to forget about her because honestly, she doesn't seem to care about m- My phone vibrates. I look at the recent text messages, Camille.

Camiiii❤: Alexis can we PLEASE talk?

But.. I just read it. I don't plan on answering. I'm giving her a taste of her own medicine. She didn't listen to what I had to say, I won't listen to what she has to say. Ugh.... Look at us, acting like a bunch of children. I would love to speak with her but I just can't. I'm not ready to face her. But until then, I'll lay low. I put my phone down, Ignoring her text. I tried so hard not to look at them but they were calling my name. I walk away from my phone.... I think I'm going to take a shower. For some reason I feel so, filthy. I remove my clothing, putting my hair into a high bun. "Maybe a shower will bring me relaxation" I say to myself.

Katrina POV~

She just... left me here? I'm crying my heart out to her and she just, leaves me? This Alexis girl will NOT get between me and Camille's love life. Cam loves me rather she knows it or not. She will be mine and I will NOT take no for an answer. I stand up, getting the keys to my car. I'm only in my panties and bra but I'm here to fight for my baby, and If that involves me walking around embarressing my self then so be it. I walk out of my house and I walk to my car thats parked out front. I take out my phone, texting my brother.

Me: Tim, We've got a problem.

[1 minute later]

Tim: What's up?

Me: There's this girl name "Alexis" and she's getting between my love life.

Tim: How so?

I think to myself on how I could make her look bad.

Me: She tried to have sex with me :( ... and I didn't want it.

Tim: Oh hell no, meet me at my place. We're going to take this bitch down. [Knife emoji entered]

Me: Thanks Big bro. I want you to make her suffer, like how I suffered.

Tim: I got you baby sis. Anything for you.

Alexis, you shouldn't fuck with other peoples love life, it could get you in a shitload of trouble. To bad I have to get rid of you, your poor thing. Enjoy Camille while you can because I'm coming for you and I will not stop until I have revenge.


Thanks for reading, I know it was alittle short but it's beter than nothing... plus I didn't have enough time, comment what you think will happen.

Oh yeah, and I'M BACK. Lmao. 


x Isn't Katrina, CRAZY?!

x Will Alexis finally face Camille

x Will Johnny and Alexis' relationship strengthen?

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