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I am going to make several plot lines like this just following a standard hero cycle outline, if someone wants a slightly different one for their story that is fine all I ask is attribution and seand me a copy or link to your story!!

Since there has been some confusion I will explain some more...

The hero cycle is a set of steps that all classic hero cycles go though, it shares similarities to the overarching basis of a story with the beginning-climax-end model, but with much more detail. I am using one version of the hero cyle, there are many variations, and putting the outline of a story on the outline.

This is the skeleton outline that I am using on all of these story ideas, and what they are.

Call to Adventure- this is the start of the journey, what makes the story start rolling. The main character does something, or something happens to them that makes them have to go on an 'adventure'. Now this adventure can be just braving a new school, or all the way into a three novel quest with three plot line within in. The thing that all stories share about this step is that something HAPPENS, it is not just a sloth like beginning, but an action, a something, anything, which starts the story.

Helper- this is another crucial part of the story that most all hero cycles have, it is the step of the story where the 'hero' gains help, it can be anything at all, but normally it is a secondary character, or an object thst is able to aid them alot.

Crossing- this is the point of a story when a character leaves part of their lives behind, and goes on the 'quest'. It can be as simple as a shy person deciding to wear a hip outfit instead of blending one day, or as much as someone moving to another solar system to try and find their long lost love.

Tests- this is the meat of the story, all the stuff that makes the 'hero' better, stronger, faster, etc., There are trials and test, fpthe main character fighting their love for another is often one I use, but it can be the school bully, the evil minions after the 'hero', a disease, or many other trials and tribulations

Helpers- as the 'hero' goes though the tests he/she often gets other that help them, more equipment, and recognition that they can get though the next step alive, these people and objects are not as necessary to a story as some of the other steps but they hold the 'hero' up until he/she is able to go to victory in the next step.

Supreme Ordeal- the BIG battle against the 'evil' overloard. It can be just the showdown between the queen bitch at school and the hero, or the full out battle at the end of the lord of the rings, it is when the hero has to 'fight' to get out from under what is keeping them down, or to destroy the problem that is folioing them. It could be a final exam, the last horrible fever of a disease, or any other climatic point. There is one key though, in a hero cyle style story they have to survive, and keep going on though the next steps, or you need to find another style of plot foundation. THEY HAVE TO KEEP GOING! NO DEATHS OF THE HERO HAPPEN IN THIS PART!

Flight- the hero has gone though this all so fast, or slow, that they are reeling from having finally defeated what has been looming over their shoulder for all that time that they flee. It can be running away from a romance that they developed after finally getting out from under the heel of the queen bee at school, or a knight thinking that they are no longer worthy because of a small mistake made and giving up their sword. It is the hero showing that they think they are not confident in themselves and the people around them.

Return- this is when the hero both can return from the crossing at the beginning, and gets back on their feet from the flight. Someone convinces them they ae worthy again, or they find worthiness inside of them. The story is wrapping up so loose ends are tied, the love gets exposed, people forgive each other, etc.

Boon- this is what the world gets out of the person growing, the boon or gift to society. It can take an epiloge format, and is probably a short section. A final sigh to the story so that people can close the book, or their browser, with contentment saying "wasn't that a nice ending...."

Here is an example of a story layed out into the heIro cycle outline...

Call to adventure- wolf dying at her door and he is her mate

Helper- her mate and her best bud both help her

Crossing- going to his pack to live and leaving foster parents behind

Tests- family doesn't like her/ bitch ex gf/ turning wolf/ mating ceremony

Helpers- sister of mate/ frog in pond/ kind old cook

Supreme ordeal- the person who tried to kill her mate shows up and they have to defete him

Flight- doesn't want anyone else to get hert so move away

Return- sister of her mate finds her and gets her to come back to live with the pack

Boon- epiloge pups/ better alphas for experience

I hope people get what the hero cycle is now, if you have further questions tell me and I will TRY to make my descriptions clearer.

Also, you can move the steps up or down a position, or maybe two, in the middle. The beginning is the beginning, and the end is the end, but if you want to move the flight before the ordeal that is okay, but only in like one out of ten stories or so. I do that at least once, and the crossing can happen as the call to adventure goes on, like the character being brought to the dark side by her boyfriend, she has been called to try and get out, while she was crossing into their world... capice???


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