Serial killer

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call to adventure- serial murder shows up and the nails are painted a custome color

Helper- detective and partner start on the case

Crossing- meet serial killer she taunts and does stuff to trick their minds

Tests- have to find out why the nailpolish, why the murders, why she is killing, maybe one of them has other troubles

Helpers -maybe anonomis tip, FBI, new leads ect.

Supreme ordeal- fight/ capture of the nail polish killer

Flight- one of people gets spooked and decides that he/ she can't go on in the police business and flees

Return- partner shows up and convinces them that they are a team blah blah blah

Boon- case is solved, world is safer, blah blah blah

There is a lot that you could change, make there be a love interest, the persona of the serial killer different, the partners could just be a person it is really subjective

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