Peasant to Lady

842 6 3

Call to Adventure- girl is very poor and mother falls ill

Helper- A dog (maybe border collie??) follows her

Crossing- she leaves the small village to go to the city to find work

Tests- getting a job, the trials of the job, trying to ward off city boys, striving to get higher in the social order by getting better job, leaving friends behind, repeated atleast twice then gets job as house keeper for minor young lord, sending large portion of salary home to mother

Helpers- friends/coworkers in the shops she leaves behind, her determination, old lady that gives her huge tip, etc. , the young lord

Supreme Ordeal- falling in love with the young lord and trusting him after being self-sufficient for so long

Flight- he breaks trust and her mother is finally getting better so she rushes home with all of her belongings

Return-lord comes and tells her how much he loves her, how if she let's him he would like to marry her etc.

Boon- get back to the city and later in their marriage she sets up a charity that takes off


Boon-get back to the city and their children grow up to be brilliant minds that put the city on the map

I see this as medeval but it could be futuristic as well

I see her working in a dress shop along the way but your choice.

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