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Call to adventure- grandmother dies and leaves house to only grand child

Helper- alien shows up in the house when he/she gets there to refurbish the old place

Crossing- both of them leave what they were planning to do behind and start to fall in love

Tests- alien government don't like the idea of cross species but find out that person is actually half alien as well so allow, house problems, relationship problems, ect.

Helpres- alien's friends, maybe go to space and stuff happens,

Supreme ordeal- someone has grudge against main character because alien parent owed them money, killed a friend, or other problem

Flight- decide that just want to be normal, want to be back on earth so runs while mate(the alien) is still recovering

Return- alien comes and gets them, love so great, yada, yada, yada

Boon- kids, get to be leaders in gov., deeply in love, maybe gran not dead but in space??, ect.

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