Marooned Mermaid

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Call to Adventure- a mermaid follows her sister over to the coast and walks up onto land and is trapped and brought to the castle and put in a princesses suite

Helper- she has a kitten in her suit and it wakes her up when someone starts to open the door

Crossing-she crossed from the water to the land

Tests- she has to cope with being there, she has to find out why she is there, she has to deal with the jerky prince that the king/queen engage her to, she has to find her way back home, she has to readjust to being home, has to realize that she fell in love with the jerk, has to convince parents to let her go back

Helpers- parents, prince at times, ladies maid assigned to her.

Supreme Ordeal- when coming back to the castle a rouge Mage comes and tries to kill Herr because mermaid blood can be used in some interesting ways. He attacts and Her prince rides up and together they kill him

Flight- I think that going back to her parents constitutes the flight for this story line

Return- coming back to the prince was the return

Boon- they have a beautiful kingdom together and there is finally a firm true between the mer people and the human country

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