Dragon Fate

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Call to adventure-a young lady squire(step before becoming knight) becomes a dragon's handler at the yearly fair for all young wanna-be knights to see if they will be chosen, she then goes though her ordeal and sees a rampant evil sorcerer that has enslaved a neighboring kingdom, that kingdom is an ally so she is sent to go help

Helper- the dragon is the main helper, but she gains another helper in the form of a young noble that the enslaved kingdom sent to aid her in her quest to free their captive nation

Crossing- she goes off and serveys the captive kingdom

Tests- she has to pass her ordeal, she has to deal with the nobles attitude, they have to deal with their growing love, she has to learn to trust her dragon, she has to find the sorcerers week points, she has to deal with lack of provisions, the fact that the noble is actually the heir apparent to the throne

Helpers- she meets some informants that tell her useful info, she meets other dragon riders that agree to help them, etc.

Supreme Ordeal- getting back the captive kingdom

Flight- she does something that almost gets her dragon and her beloved killed and runs far away thinking that she is not worthy of the title of lady knight

Return- they find her and convince her that she is worthy of the title and should comeback with them to keep helping those in need

Boon- they become a formidable pair that rule the kingdom with great skill and help other countries whenever they can

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