Chapter 1: Moving In

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A new story, it was a sudden spur of the moment thing and decided to write this. Please vote and comment!! I WOULD REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! PURTY PWEAASHEE!!

Chapter 1

“All my life I've been good but now,

I'm thinking 'What the hell'

All I want is to mess around,

and I don't really care about

If you love me, if you hate me,

you can't save me, baby, baby

All my life I've been good but now,

whoa 'What the hell'”

“Dammit Haley, if you don’t shut that mouth of yours, I’ll shut it for you!”

“WHAT THE HELL!” I continued to sing just to annoy the hell out of my sister. I mean come on, MY VOICE IS ANGELIC COMPARED TO HERS!! THAT JEALOUS SUCKER! “If you love me, if you hate me-“

“SHUT THE HELL UP!!!” my oh-so-lovely sister yelled after barging in my room yet AGAIN. “GOD I HAVE ENOUGH OF YOUR VOICE WHEN YOU HAVE BAND PRACTICE, SO PLEASE JUST SHUT IT!”

She was red, lobster colored red from anger. My sister was usually very calm (no..). “Geez some one’s happy this morning.”

She rolled her eyes at me and then proceeded to glare, “I’m leaving for college in a few hours and I AM STRESSED OUT AS IT IS! Mom and dad are already packing and YOU haven’t YET!” She was a yeller, a big loud YELLER.

“I’m packed,” I replied backing a bit from my flaming sister, “If you bother to check my room, you’ll notice that all my things are packed.”

She grunted in annoyance, I mean it wasn’t my fault she was blind, “Fine, BUT PLEASE GET READY!”

“I AM READY,” I yelled, “Geez Alissa, stop stressing, you’ll get wrinkles.”

My sister annoyed and in the brink of strangling me flashed me her oh-so-beautiful middle finger before walking out of my room.

“I love you too!” I replied laughing. Alissa was always a big STRESSOR. Everything she does was just very stressful. After living with her for so long, I AM DEFINETLY glad she’s moving away for college. I mean a girl like me can only take so much.

Today is the big day as you guys can see from my sister’s wild rant. That’s right folks I’m moving away too! Well I’ll be a bit more specific on that, I’m moving to North Dakota, the worst place to ever live in if you were A CITY GIRL LIKE ME. You see MY parents are agents. YES CIA agents. They were assigned a super-secretive-so-scary-thrilling-mission that required them to move. And because of this mission I am forced to live with my parents closest friends from NORTH FRICKIN DAKOTA. I refused and refused and still refused but what can a high school girl like me do? Well you guys guessed right, NOTHING!! My parents- no matter how I begged- SAID I EITHER LIVE WITH THE STEVENSONS’ OR ATTEND AN ALL GIRLS CATHOLIC BOARDING SCHOOL. I chose NORTH DAKOTA.

I cried for a week, well a day, but I still cried. I mean I’ve spent my whole life in California and with my parents work, it was always okay, but I guess this one was serious. With my sister moving away to college, they accepted the mission and forced me to live with strangers. Well their not really strangers to my parents but they are to me. I mean I’VE NEVER EVEN MET THE STEVENSONS’.

My friends thought it was stupid, my band was on the brink of kidnapping me, but in the end they accepted and said their goodbyes. I cried my eyes out knowing my California life was over. I mean I WAS A CITY GIRL. A SPUNKY ROCK LOVING GIRL. I’m hyper most of the time (well all the time, but you get my drift)  and AM NO COUNTRY girl. Hell I was the out THERE kind of girl even in fricking California, so that’s saying something. How am I supposed to live in a state that’s so out there? My parents hate me, I swear they do. Even if they gave me all the things I want, they hate me.

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