Chapter 10: No one MESSES with HALEY BOND

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Sorry for the short chapter guys, my husband's not feeling well and I'VE BEEN TAKING CARE OF BOTH HIM AND OUR BABY. Don't worry next chapter will BE AWESOME.

Chapter 10: No one MESSES with HALEY BOND

          Since the boys had football after school I had no choice but to wait for them to finish since they had the car. With nothing to do and close to dying from boredom I decided to ask the coach if I could practice football with the team.

            “Hey Damian,” I called while waving frantically at him, “Come here for a second.”

            Damian quickly jogged towards me, “What’s up?”

            “Uhm, would you mind asking your coach if I can practice with you guys?” I asked, “I’m dying of boredom here.”

            Damian chuckled, “Come, let’s go and ask him.”

            I followed Damian towards a young man with a cap on. “Hey coach,” Damian called.

            “What’s up Damian?” the coach asked. He looked a bit young to be a coach, but I guess he had the talents.

            “Would you mind if Haley joins us for practice?” Damian asked, “She used to play football in her old school and thought it would be cool to practice with us.”

            The coach eyed me for a second, “Are you sure she can play?”

            Damian chuckled, “I’m positive coach.”

            “Okay then,” Coach agreed, “Just hand her the necessities.”

            Both of us nodded and made our way to the equipment room. Damian quickly gave me all the safety pads. I quickly changed in the girls’ locker room and headed towards the field.

            “Haley?” Mikael asked as I ran towards him.

            Holding to my helmet I quickly patted Mikael, “Mind if I play?”

            “No, not at all,” he answered apprehensively, “Guys Haley’s playing with us.”

            Everyone quickly gathered around me. “Hey guys.”

            They all said their hellos still watching me. It was time to play.

            I quickly put on my helmet, “Okay.”

            The coach headed towards us, “Okay guys just do the routine.”

            “Okay!” everyone, including me, yelled. I resume my position and let the game take over.


            “You got to join the team,” Coach asked as I made my way towards the refreshments with the boys.

            “I would coach,” I answered, “But I already signed up for another activity and I don’t think the boys would be happy knowing a girl’s in their team.”

            “We don’t mind,” Cain called, “You can play Hale; we acknowledge that.”

            “I have band practice and school,” I explained, “I don’t think I’ll have enough time for everything. Sorry coach.”

            “Well if you change your mind,” Coach concluded, “Just let us know, we’ll gladly take you in.”

            “Okay!” I cheered.

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