Chapter 8: New Band.

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I'm beyond bored. While I was writing this something really funny happened. My husband was putting our baby to sleep right? He was telling our baby a story about our supposed "love story" he was so caught up on it and all that, out of nowhere we both hear a "pfft" sound. I started cracking up so Much GUYS. My husband was so freaked out, lol. I think this is the first time he's heard a baby fart.He placed our baby on the crib and started to gather everything. He got all panicky saying there was something wrong, while i was down at the floor laughing. Since my mom's staying with us, she started freaking out too since my husband was all over the place packing everything thinking our baby needed to go the emergency room. My mom was asking both of us what was going on. Neither of us couldnt answer since he was running around packing our whole house (basically) and i was dying on the floor laughing. Finally my husband noticed me laughing, he stopped and asked me what was wrong. I told him (still dying of laughter) that our baby just farted. HE STARED AT ME WITH HIS MOUTH LITERALLY HANGING DOWN ON THE FLOOR. The funniest part was when my mom comes out of her room, disheveled. OMG she was wearing her shirt backwards, her hair was everywhere, and her shoes didnt even match. My mom was totally annoyed lol. Since my husband and I are only 22, these kinds of things happen lol. Now my husband getting scolded by my mom. Lol, totally his fault.

Lol long rant but i just found it REALLY FUNNY LOL.

Chapter 8: New Band.

          I was dreading lunch. I’m currently dying of anticipation waiting for the DAMN BELL to finally ring. Every class was like this, for some unknown reason it JUST SEEMS TO STOP AND LAUGH AT ME, MAKING ME SUFFER.  I don’t even know how I just blabbed and came close to confessing (okay fine I basically confessed to him, geez). I mean I was mad yeah, but tell him everything? Gosh, I think I got a concussion from Mikael’s tackle this morning. AND YOU KNOW THE WORST THING ABOUT IT? LIAM. THIS EFFIN DOUCHE IGNORED ME AND DISTANCED HIMSELF FROM ME. I MEAN YEAH I WAS DOING THE SAME BUT HE DIDN’T EVEN DAMN TRY! GOD, HOW WHY WAS I ATTRACTED TO THIS IDIOT? DAMN YOU GOOD LOOKS AND AWESOME PERSONALITY!!!

            When the bell finally rang, I quickly packed my books and supplies in my backpack and practically pushed everyone out of the class. Sitting with the Stevenson was so out of the question today, which meant me being all alone. Great, library here I come.

            “Hey Haley!” Damian shouted heading towards me, “Where you headed to?”

            “Uhm library,” I mumbled.

            “Library?” he asked conspicuously, “It’s the first day back Hale.”

            “Yeah, but homework and all that.”

            “Did something happen?” he asked as if he knew something was up already.

            “No…?” I stupidly answered.

            He chuckled before grabbing my arm and dragging me to the cafeteria.

            “DAMIAN!” I screeched, “I really have to go to the library!”

            “You can always head there later,” he replied, “Right now you need to hang out with us.”

            “UGH! FINE!” I gave up knowing I stood no chance.

            I was dragged away to the cafeteria by Damian. This was so annoying! Damn boys and their stupid methods of making you hang out with them! We were quickly heading towards the table where everyone were sitting and happily having conversations. I immediately caught sight of Liam and Anna sitting by each other happily conversing. I felt bile come up my throat. Great now I have to put up with both of their faces. I really hated my mouth sometimes.

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