Chapter 3 ~ The Dinner

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Chapter 3 ~ The Dinner

~Presley's P.O.V


I can't believe it.

Harry styles.

My bully!

Is coming over for dinner next week.


Well that ruined my weekend. I was was gonna spend it just reading, or catching up on pretty little liars. Or even homework!!!

But noooo!

Mum had to invite HARRY'S family over!!!

Oh my god!!!


I went up to my room and sat on my bed. I didn't know what to do.

Wait. Did Harry know yet? Oh no.

He probably wasn't happy about it either. Crap.

Wait. He'd be in MY house, so maybe he'd tone it down a bit? Who knows.

I decided to sleep on it. Maybe my heart would slow down.


When I woke up, it was 7:00


I'd be up all night.

Oh well.

I got up and put on some new clothes.
A floral tank top and some short shorts. I put my hair up in a messy pony tail and brushed my teeth.
I was home alone so I decided to go for a walk. It would be nice. Just to get away from every thing. I didn't think I'd run into Harry or the boys. They were probably out partying or so something, it being Friday and all.

As I walked out the door the cool breeze hit my face and filled my lungs. It felt good. Aside from all the bruises on my body and scrapes on my knees. Yeah. It felt good.

I didn't know where I was going. So I just walked along the side walk.

As I walked past the park, memories of when me and Harry used to get along, flooded through my mind.


Everybody age 10

Presley's P.O.V

"Harry!" I yelled. "Your swinging me too high!"

He was laughing so hard his face was red.

The other boys were doing there own thing. Louis and Zayn on the slide, and Liam in the sand box.

"Harry!" I yelled again

"You ready?!" he asked.

"What?! No!"

"C'mon Prez, just jump!"

"No I can't!"

"C'mon Presley, don't be a wimp!"

Called Louis.

"It'll only be one quick jump, think of it as... Ripping of a bandaid!" Yelled Zayn.

"Ugh!" I screamed.

"We'll count to three!" Hollered Liam.

"Good idea" agreed Harry. I'm getting tired of pushing."

"O-okay!" I yelled.


I screamed and jumped off the swings. I landed in Harry's arms, not knowing that he switched sides.

"Oh my god!!!!!!" I bellowed. "That was amazing!!!!!"

Every body laughed.

"You did good kid!" Harry laughed. He gave me a kiss in the cheek and set me down.

-End flashback-

Huh. Good times. I still don't know what I did to that boy. It didn't make sense. One day we were a happy couple, who always got along, and now. We're enemies.

I stopped when I reached the bridge. I saw a few distinct figures in the ally a few metres away. Probably drunks.

I walked down the path that led to the town. Until I heard yelling.

I turned around and saw................

Harry, Niall and Zayn.

Oh boy. I started to run. I didn't want to be anywhere near them right now.

"Hey slut!" I heard Harry yell.

Oh god.

I started to run faster.

"You can run, but you can't hide!!"

Just before I was about to turn the corner, two arms snakes around me waste, and pull me up.

"No, no, no! Get off of me! Get off!!" I squealed.

"Not gonna happens babes"


All of the sudden, my body came in contact with the ground. Hard.


"What did I say about being loud!!!" Harry screamed.

He kick me in the gut.


Niall and Zayn got me to my feet and pinned me against the wall. Harry punched me in the face. He kicked me in the shin and shoved me against the wall once more. Ow.

After he punched me in the face a few more times, he got Niall and Zayn to throw me in the ground. They all took there turns at kicking me. It lasted about 3 minutes before Harry yelled stop.

He bent down so he was eye level with me. I swear I heard a growl emit from the back of his throat.

"We'll be seeing you at school Monday. Bitch."

As he got back up he spat at me. It nearly hit my face. Sick.

He really did hate me.

When I got back to the house, I decided to take a bath. I deserved it. My body really hurt.

When I was done, I got ready for bed.

I was really tired now. Fewf!

As I settled into my bed, there was only one thing on my mind.

"We'll be seeing you at school Monday. Bitch."


I was scarred to get up. I really didn't want to go to shook today. My parents got home last night, so I couldn't skip. Ugh! I had no choice. I still wondered if Harry new or not yet. I don't know what he was talking about.

"We'll see you on Monday."

I didn't know what to think...

I got up and did my morning duties. Getting dressed, brushing my teeth, brushing my hair. Stuff like that.

On the walk to school, I saw Chris and some of his friends, walking on the other side of the road. Yay.

I tried to stay as far away from him as possible. I tried to walk slower, but I didn't want to be late.

When I got to school, I saw Harry making out with Sophie, no surprise. Every morning. Gross.

I ran up to my locker and tried to get my books as fast as I could. Just as I was about to grab my last book, I was pushed up against my locker. Shit. I thought I was free.

I closed my eyes, ready for some pain.

"Well hello there, slut!"

It wasn't Harry. Or any of the boys. Who was it? I opened my eyes just a little to see who my attacker was this time. And there, standing right in front of me, his face 2 inches away from mine, was....





He shoved me up against the locker once more.

"It's been a long time since I've seen you!"

"I-I've been here,bu-"

"I just haven't cared enough to pay any attention to you!" He replied.

"So what have you been up to, being a slut?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but before I could, I saw Harry coming towards us out of the corner of my eye. Great. Double the pain.

As he approached us, my heart dropped.

"Hey man, I'll take it from here."

"Just wait man I was just getting started here!"

"Chris" he said more sternly.

He sighed and backed away. But not before he shoved me up against the locker again.

When Chris was clear out of sight, Harry ran up to me and pushed me into the locker. Sheesh. My back is starting to ache now.

"What did you say to Chris?!"

"What?! Nothing! He came to me!!"

"Don't lie to me!"

"It's the truth!" I yelled. I covered my face with my hands. Ready for any thing.

"I don't want you talking to Chris. He's bad news."

And you aren't?! Sheesh.

"He's a disgusting sick pervert."

Harry wasn't really a pervert. But he could be disgusting some times.

And since when did he care about what I did?

"Look at me."

I looked into his eyes. His dark green eyes.

"I'll be seeing you, tonight" he smirked.

Before he turned away, he stomped on my foot. And hard too.


He snickered as he walked away.

Oh, I couldn't wait for tonight.


The day went by surprisingly fast, with only a few more run in's with Harry.

He didn't beat me up right before I got to my house, which was weird. I was just praying to god he wasn't saving his energy for when he got to my house. If ya know what I mean.

Oh god.

I decided to wear a light pink, floral dress, that went just bellow my knee. I put my hair up in a pony tail, added some makeup, some high heels that I never wear, and a necklace that my aunt gave me.

I was still petrified, believe me, but I had to suck it up. After all, he was going to be in my house so.... Ya know.

I added one more coat of lipgloss before I sat on my bed. Why not pass the time with homework?

It always calms me.

I got so into my homework that I didn't even hear or see Harry appear in my door way.


"Hey bitch"

"Oh my god." I stood up quickly.

"Miss me?"


"What's wrong honey, you look like you've seen a ghost!"

"Well... Uh..."

I didn't know what to do or say so I made my way to the door. I was gonna go to the bathroom and just stay there until we were called down. But that's not what Harry's intentions were.

He tripped me on my way out.

"Where do you think your going, slut?"

I fell to the floor with a thud.


He laughed and then kicked me in the gut. Ouch.

Just then I herd some one call from down stairs.

"What's going on up there, is everything ok?"

"I told you to be quiet!"

He whisper/yelled.

He kicked me once more before responding.

"Uh...Yeah, I was .........Tickling Presley.... And..... She.... Fell!!!!"

Tickling me?! When has he ever tickled me?

-Flash back-

Harry and Presley age 12

"Okay, Harry I dare you to...... "

God knows what Louis was going to pick. His dares were always so weird.

"I dare you to... Tickle Presley until she pisses her self!"

"What! No!" I yelled

"Challenge excepted!" Was the last thing he said before he started ticking me.

"No Harry please stop!!! Please Harry!! No!!!"

"Remember, till she pisses her pants, mate!" Yelled Liam.

"I'm no-not going to p-piss my pan-pant guys!!!" Thats all I could get out, from all the laughter that was happening.

They were all chanting Harry on, while I was just laying in Harry's lap, almost in tears, from laughing so hard.

"Harry!!!! I'm n-not going to p-piss myself, please just s-stop!!"

He finally stopped. Thank god. I tried to catch my breath. An idea popped into my head. I looked at Harry.

"What?" Was all he said before I tackled him to the ground.

And started to tickle him.

-End flashback-

I was pulled back to the present when I felt Harry yank my hair up till I was eyes level with him.

"Didn't you here me! I said be quiet!" He kicked me in the arm a couple of times before we herd another call from down stairs.

"C'mon kids! Dinners ready!"

I sighed. I thought he was done. But I was wrong. He pulled me up and flung me to the stairs. I grabbed into the railing before I could fall.

~Harry's P.O.V

I can't believe I had to go to Presley's for dinner. Ugh. Oh well. Might as well have some fun. As we were called down stairs I had an idea. Hopefully she wouldn't blow it.

I pushed her to the stairs. She grabbed on to the railing just in time.

She ran down the stairs. And fast too. Yay. I scarred her.

When I got to the kitchen she was just taking her seat. There was a seat next to her, so I decided to take it. Like I said. Lets have some fun.

When she looked over to her left she saw me and she gasped. She new I was gonna try something.

As my mom and her dad came to the table with the rest of the food,

I kicked her leg.


She was caught off by her own hands covering her mouth. Good. I've taught her well.

As the meal went on, I kept kicking her leg. She tried to contain her cries. I new it was hard for her. I was kicking pretty hard.

I decided to take a break and eat my food.

Memories of today when Chris touched her flooded through my mind. I didn't like him touching her. He was a sick disgusting pervert. It's like.... Only I was aloud to touch her. Only I was aloud to hurt her. It was a weird feeling. Oh well. I still disliked her. And I'll probably never forgive her for what she did.

My mom broke the silents.

"Oh, Presley! Harry's having a party this weekend, you should go! Shouldn't she Harry?"


Holy crap mom, shut up!!!

"Yeah!" her mom commented.

"You should get out more Presley!"

"Uh- that's fine, I don't really like party's."

Thank god. Who wants that waste of space at one of there party's?!

"Nonsense! She'll be there!" My dad spoke up.

"No really-"

"Your going to that party Presley, you don't get out enough. Like your mother said."

"She doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to, right prez?" I kicked her in the leg again.


She looked down at her plate.

"Don't be silly, Presley,your going!" My mom added.

Presley looked at me. I was about to protest again, but another idea popped into my mind.

"Wait, yeah Presley you should go!"


"There it settled." Said her dad.


~Presley's P.O.V


I didn't want to!

But I guess I kinda had to now. Even Harry agreed in the end. Weird.

And if I didn't go, Harry would probably tell! That boy could be such a rat at times!

After everyone helped clean up, A few dodged trips and a few glares, Harry and his parents were ready to leave. Harry was already out the door when his mom called him.

"Harry say good bye to Presley!"

"Bye Prez! Can't wait till Friday!"

I knew he was lying. Or was he? Maybe he just couldn't wait to beat me up at his own house.

Either way, I was going to my bully's party this weekend.


My life just keeps getting better and better!


What do you guys thing so far?

Will Presley escape going to Harry's party??? And if she doesn't, will he be even more brutal because she's at his house???!

Any way,

I really like it!!!

Leave some comments!!!!



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