Chapter 4 ~ Nice To See You Again

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Chapter 4 ~ Nice To see You

~Presley's P.O.V.


What the hell?! How am I suppose to know what the square root of 2528 is!

Oh my god this is impossible.

Oh well. Here comes google.

Just as I was about to fill in the blank, my mom called me.


"Ugh, yes mum!?

"There's someone on the phone who wants you!"

What? There's someone who wants to talk to me? Well that's a first. No one ever wants to talk to me! Every one hates me. Oh well,

Better not question it.



I ran down the stairs. When I got to the bottom I saw my mom standing there smiling big, holding the phone.

"Who is it?"

She gestured to the phone.

I took it from her and put it up to my ear.

I hesitated before answering.


"Hey beautiful."


Beautiful? No one called me beautiful except...................

"Gabe!!! Holy mother of god!!! I can't believe it's you!!!

How have you been!!! What are you doing!!! When are you coming to see us!!! Where are you!!! How-"

"Wow, wow, wow now, slow down!!! Breath, Prezy!!!!!"

I couldn't believe it!!! My brother was calling me!!! He worked in the military, so we never got to see him. Oh my god I missed him sooooo much!!!

I loved him even more! He was the only one who made me feel truly beautiful.

He was tall, had a buzz cut now, he was REALLY fit, and he was always smiling.

"O-okay, I'll try to c-calm down."

My mom was just standing there having a laughing fit, probably amused of the reaction I gave.

"I'm doing great, howz about you?"

"I'm doing fantastic now!!!"

"Your looking good, for an old girl."

"Gabe, I'm only 17!!!"

"Oh my god, my baby sisters growing up!!!"

"Well look at you! Your already 28!"

"I know, I don't want to grow up!"

He could be so childish sometimes.

Although I loved him, and I could tell him anything, I could never tell him that Harry bullied me. I never told anyone. I didn't want anyone to know.

"Listen Prez, can I ask you something?"


"Ok listen, I was wondering, if you wanted... To go... To dinner with me."

"What! If coarse I wou- But wait. Your all the way out there!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Uh, yeah. It says long distance on the phone."

Just then there was a knock at the door.

"Ugh, hold on Gabe, there's someone at the door."

I heard mom giggle from in the kitchen.

I opened the door, and there, standing in a green t-shirt and cameo pants with a bug duffle bag, was Gabe.

I screamed

"Oh my god Gabe!!!"

"Hello beautiful."


As we were sitting in the living room socializing, I asked Gabe, how he was, but he interrupted me.

"So howz about that dinner!"

"U-Uh, sure when???"

"How about tomorrow night?"

Tomorrow night.


Nice night.

No school the next day, cause of parent teacher.

Sounds good!!!

"That would be awesome!"


"So..." Mum started. Have you. Ya know..... Found anyone? Anyone caught your eye?"

"Well, I was actually gonna explain that....I did find someone. Her name is Tanya and she's really nice. Smart. Pretty."

Oh my god. Boy moment.

We went on for about 20 more minutes until he had to leave. He had a motel room. Mom insisted he stay here, but he Declined the offer not wanted to take up space.

"I'll seeya tomorrow Prezy!!! Eight?"

"O-okay! Seeya!"

As soon as he left I went up to my room and started to pick out a dress. I was so excited. Dinner with my brother that I haven't seen in about a year!!! Nothing could ruin this.

Or so I thought.


The next day was pretty normal. I went through my daily beating, Harry made some rude comments. And I felt bad about myself.

But all of that went away when I thought of what was gonna happen tonight.


I was pinned up against my locker, and the weird thing is, I wasn't paying any attention to Harry. He was yelling in my face but I didn't even notice. I was to busy planning how the night was gonna go.

First I'll get ready, than he'll pick me up, then we'll head to the resteraunt and-

"Hello, earth to slut!" Followed by a punch in the face. Hard too. Ow.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you, bitch!"


Thank god it was last period. Almost done actually. I was supposed to be using the bathroom, but of coarse Harry caught me again.

"I think she needs to be taught a lesson, Haz."

Zayn spoke up.

"Oh she will be taught a lesson alright. And I know where too!" He smirked.

I hope he didn't mean his..... Crap!

I totally forgot about his stupid party!

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit!

He punched me I'm the stomach once more before the bell rang.

I crouched over in pain. God, it really hurt this time.

I rushed to my locker, got my homework and then left.

I nearly dodged Harry. He was to busy talking to Sophie. It actually looked like they were.... Fighting?Ooooooooh. Interesting.

I ran home and started getting ready. I know it was early, but with these kind of things,

"Time waits for no man!"

Well. Girl.

I had a shower, did my makeup, got in my dress, which by the way was really pretty. It was long red and flowy, with ruffles at the bottom. A bit formal, but why not? Might as well look my best!

I put my hair up in a brilliant bun, and a little bit of lipstick. I also wore a pair of stilettos, thanks to my mom, that were white.

I looked pretty good. For a slut.

I still had two hours so I didn't know what I was going to do until then. I sat in the window seat in the living room. I watched the cars drives by. Hoping that one of them would be Gabe's. Soon. I got so into watching cars that.............

I fell asleep.


Good one Presley.

I was awakened when someone shook my shoulder.

"Presley? Presley dear, Gabes here!"

The word Gabe immediately got me up.

"What?!" I asked sleepily.

"Hey, lovely."

"Oh, hey-wait, oh no my makeup-

"You look fine, love."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes you look gorgeous!"

"Ok. I'm taking your word for it!"

Goodbyes were exchanged, pictures were taken, and hugs were given.

I just wanted to get to the damn dinner!


When we arrived I got really excited. I don't know why. Maybe cause I was having dinner with my awesome brother that I haven't seen in a year!

We got are table and sat down. Lucky it was right by the bathroom.

"So what have you been up to?" He asked.

Oh ya know, just been beaten bruised and scarred for the past 4 years and having to deal with the same thing every day, being called names, punched in the face, kicked in the gut. The usual. You?

"Uh...... I've been good. Haven't really been up to anything really. You?"

"Well. I've been training. Working hard. Thinking about when I'd be able to come home. I've missed you guys a lot."

"We've missed you too!"

Just then, the waiter came and took our orders.

We talked and talked until are good came.

I ordered the lasagna, while he ordered the salad. Must have to eat healthy if your in the military.

All the while, when we were eating, I had to use the washroom. Extremely bad. But I didn't want to break the nice conversation we were having. My leg was hopping up and down.



"Just go to the bathroom already."

"I don't h-"


"Ugh fine."

I hopped out of my seat and headed to the bathroom, again lucky it was right there.

I washed my hands and headed out the door, but not before I bumped into someone.

I steadied my balance.


I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Well, hello slut!"



"Now what would a slut like you be doing here?"


Before I could finish, he pushed into the wall.


And with that he slammed his foot down in mine.

I cried out in pain.

"Ahhh! Harry! Please not here!"

"Or what."

He slammed me into the wall again.

"Presley are you ok?"

I noticed that voice anywhere.


I looked up, and sure enough. There he was.

I ran over to him, and stood behind him. He towered over Harry by like.... 3 feet!!!!!!

"And whose this?" Harry asked. A little taken back by Gabes height.

"Th-" I was interrupted for the second time tonight by Gabe.

"I'm her brother. Gabe. And y- Wait Harry?!?!?!"

Crap. I forgot they new each other. We were just 7 when Gabe left.

"G-G-Gabe?! Y-you uh... G-Grew!!!!"

"So have you buddy!!!!"

Don't call him buddy! If only you knew the things that he has done to to me in the past years. I'm pretty sure you would rip his head off.

"Hey, are you two still dating?!"

"NO!!!!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Okay?, why not?"

"Uuuhhhhh..... It.. Just wasn't working!" I bellowed.

"Awe. Well that's to bad. Your still friends aren't you?"

Neither of us answered.

Until Harry broke the silents.

"Yeah! We're still friends, aren't we prez?!"

I glared at him.

********Harry's P.O.V********

Ugh. This was getting boring. I had to get away. All they were talking about were taxes and trips and stuff. Some dinner.

"Umm... I'm gonna go use the washroom."

"Okay, Harry. Don't be to long."

"Haha, okay."

I bolted to the restrooms. On my way in the hall, I bumped into someone, I was about to say sorry. Until I saw who it was.


she was looking fit tonight. wait harry what are you thinking! Back to the present! What the hell was she doing here?!

"Sorr-" she gasped when she looked up. Probably not expecting to see me here.

"Well hello there slut!!!"


"Now what would a slut like you, be doing here?!"


Before she could finish I pushed her into the wall.


And with that, I slammed my foot on hers. And hard too.

She cried out In pain.

"Ahhh!!! Harry please not here!!"

"Or what?!?!"

I pushed her into the wall.

"Presley are you okay?" I heard someone yell.


When I looked up there was a tall buff, man standing there staring at us. Presley ran over and stood behind him.

"And whose this" I said as confidently as I could.

"Th-" she was interrupted by the tall man.

"I'm her brother. Gabe. And y-
Wait.... Harry?!"

"G-G-Gabe?! Y-you uh... G-Grew!"

"So have you buddy!!!"

Buddy. He sure wouldn't be calling me that if he new the things that I've doing to his sister for these past years.

"Hey, are you two still dating?"


"NO!!!!" We both yelled at the same time.

"Okay...Why not?"

"Uh... It just wasn't working." She bellowed.

"Awe.. Well that's to bad. Your still friends though, aren't you?"

Neither of us answered. Until I broke the silents.

"Yeah, we're still friends... Aren't we Prez?!"

She glared at me.

"Uh..Y-yeah. The best of friends."

"Well that's good. So, are you Okay? I heard yelling."

There was shock written all over her face. I could tell she was trying to think of an accuse. She better. No ones suppose to know what I do to her.


"She tripped on some soap!"

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Uh....yeah. I'm fine."

"Okay, we'll I payed, are you ready?"

"YES!" She answered a little to quickly.

"Okay well, seeya Harry!"Gabe beamed.

"Uh... Seeya..." I replied.

And then there was one.....


*******Presley's P.O.V*******

Well. Here it was. The day of the day of the party.


I really didn't want to. But I had to. If I didn't, Harry would probably tell on me, like the little 3 year old he is.

Ugh. My life is seriously a living hell.

I still had to go to school though so...oh right, that sucks too!

When I walked up to the school gates I saw Sophie, but her tongue wasn't down Harry's throat like usual. Weird.

When I walked in the school my heart dropped. Harry and the boys.... Except Niall.... Weird... We're standing right by my locker. Great.

I hesitated before walking in. As soon as I did, they started walking away. Just my luck. I dashed over to my locker and quickly got my books. I had drama so I grabbed my folder and made a run for the theatre doors.

I took a seat in the corner where no one ever sits. Harry and them were sitting in the front flirting with some girls, but still no Niall. Weird. Just then Mr. Bender came in. He was pretty cool.

"Okay class, were going to do improv today!"

YAY. Just what I need. A stupid game to start my day.

"Okay... Zoe and Danny! Get up here and jump on the stage."

They sighed but got up and climbed on the stage.

"Alright. You going to have a conversation, but each word will have to start with the next letter I call!

Lets start with....O....And... Action!"

Danny and Zoe weren't the smartest people in the class, so this was gonna be interesting.

"Oh no, a.... Dog took my shoe!"

Danny hollered.


"What can I do to help!"


"Fetch me another shoe!"


"I'm on it!"




"Excuse me?"



"Ahhhhh!That doesn't start with a T!"

They sighed and jumped off the stage.

"Okay next......Presley and....."



No, no, no! It's enough that I have to get up there, but with Harry!

He turned around and smirked at me.

"Come on, get up there!"

I started down the isle, with Harry just ahead.

We both got on stage.....

"Okay, you can start with......H!"

This should be good.

"Hey Presley, come here!" He yelled. It startled me slightly.


"Y-Yea Harry?"

I walked over to him. Slowly.


"I have a secret!"


"D-do you?"



I gulped. He wouldn't hurt me in stage. Would he?


"Wha-what is it?"


He gestured for me to come closer.

He leant down, until his lips came to my ear. I could feel his hot breath on the side of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Can't wait till the party, were gonna have some fun."


Tee hee...




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