Chapter 14 ~ Now Your Sorry?

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Chapter 15 ~ Now Your Sorry?

~Presley's P.O.V



Maybe what he's saying is true. Maybe I am a slut...a worthless piece of shit that shouldn't be alive.

That shouldn't be alive...


~Presley's P.O.V

I stood at my door step watching the kids across the street. They were laughing & screaming and having a good time. Except the two kids by the tree. The looked about. . . . . . . .13 or 14?

The boy was staring into the girls eyes with so much passion...



It was beautiful.... And it brings back memory's.................


Harry & Presley age 13

(1 month before the break up )

~Presley's P.O.V

We stood under the big oak tree in the park, underneath the setting sun. It was a beautiful night. Just perfect.

Me and Harry were joking around about the prank Louis pulled on Mr. Clark.

"He didn't even see it coming!" He laughed.

"Yeah." I agreed. "Who would have known that when you sit on a thumbtack, you would scream like... Well... Louis!"

He chuckled and pinched the bridge of his nose. He's always had a habit of doing that. I always thought it was sort of cute..............

He looked at me. "What?" He asked.

"Huh? O-oh n-nothing" I replied.

"Well, you were staring at me like I was a birthday cake." He laughed. I giggled.

He turned to face me. I turned to face him. Now he was staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

He came closer. I shivered when he caressed my cheek. He pulled a stray strand of hair behind my ear before sighing. I cocked my head to the side.

"I umm...I-I really like you...Presley." He stuttered.

"Well...Harry...I like you to!" I giggled.

"No" he chuckled. "I mean..I really like you Presley..." He took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips. He pressed a soft kissed to the top of it. He could be so dramatic some times... But this was different...because...I really liked him too...

He brought my hand down and stared into my eyes again. His green ones burned a whole right through my heart. At that moment...I felt something...something that felt really nice...

Without warning, he started to lean in...I was petrified...I had never kissed a boy before. . . . . . . .

I could feel his warm minty breath on my face as he got closer... And closer....

Just as he was about to press his lips against mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


I screamed and tried to turn around and see who it was... Even though I knew it was obviously louis... As I was still screaming I twisted my foot and fell back. I hit someone's chest and fell anyway. We both tumbled down the hill and didn't stop until we reached to bottom. I groaned and looked up. I was currently laying astride Harry and he was groaning as well.

"Ugh...sorry!" I squeaked.

He chuckled and smiled at me. I sighed and got up. I dusted my self off. Harry did the same. Just as I was about to trail up the hill again, to body's collided with mine.

"Ugh!" I screamed.

"Dude! Seriously!" Harry yelled.

I swiftly around and there laughing them selfs to death, were none other them louis and Zayn...

"That was epic!" Zayn bellowed

"Priceless!" Louis laughed.

Harry mumbles a few words under his breath and took my hand. I giggled.

"Come on" He commented. "Lets go back to my place."

I nodded.

My life was perfect.....or so I thought. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

-End flash back-

I sighed and turned back to go inside. It's all over now. What do I have too live for? No one likes me.. Accept for my parents...but... That's it. My life has gotten so messed up over these few years!

It's no use.

I've tried everything....

But nothing is working.....

Oh well...

I know what the only thing left to do is...


~Harry's P.O.V

I ran over to my dresser and slid on a black v-neck. After that I slid down the rail to the stairs and hoped on a stool.

"Hi mum!" I beamed.

"Well hello there!" She replied. "Your looking happy this morning!"

"Well, just feeling...happy!" I chirped. Of course I was happy! Today was the day I was gonna make up with Presley! And it was gonna be prefect!

I took a piece of bacon and shoved it in my mouth.

"Well have a good day!" She smiled.

"Oh I will!" I smiled back. I jumped of of the stool and scurried over to the door. I slid on my dark green beanie and my leather jacket and headed out the door.


When I arrived at school, my first priority was to find Presley. I had to tell her I was sorry. I had to explain to her that through all these years, I was wrong. I just had to. I searched through the halls and in the rooms, I searched the parking lot and even in the bathrooms! But I couldn't find her. Where is she!

On my way back to home room, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw. . . . Niall!

"Oh Niall! Thank god! Have you seen Presley?!"

"Oh no Harry why don't you believe us! Chris was lying! Don't hurt Presley! She didn't do anything! You c-"

I cut him off. "What are you talking about? I'm trying to find her so I can apologize! Have you seen her?!"

"No Harry listen to me! You can't! It's not right! She didn't do a-
Wait...did you just say you wanted to find her so you can make up with her?"

"Yes! Have you seen her?!"

"Oh Harry thank god!"

"Niall!" I shouted.


"Have you seen Presley!"

"Oh. No she hasn't been at school lately." He answered.


"What?! Oh god..."

"Hey, listen, make sure you do it right okay? She's very fragile..." He spoke.

"What? When did you become an expert on her?"

"Well...I'm n-not! It's just..."

I cut him off for the second time today. "Sorry mate! I have to find Presley!"

"O-okay! Good luck! I'm gonna go tell Louis!" He yelled back.

Screw school. I had to find Presley! And fast...


~Presley's P.O.V

I sat on my bed reading a magazine. There was a column on relationships and how long they usually last. I growled and through the magazine across my room. What a bunch of bull shit.

I'll never find anybody. I'll be alone the rest of my life....

All the more reason to...


I'm almost ready. I mean it. I lay there for a few more hours thinking. Why should I...ya know.

1. Harry bullies the shit out of me.

2. I don't get to spend enough time with my parents. There always away...

3. I'll be forever alone.

4. I'm a serious mess.

And 5. I'm Tired of putting up with all of's to much. Way to much. Stupid Harry. Stupid parents. Stupid life. Fuck everything! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I let out a ear piercing scream. I always did it when I was REALLY mad. Good thing no one was home.

Just then I heard someone coming up the stairs. Oops. Maybe my parents were home...

As the person got closer to the door I was getting a little bit suspicious. I heard big boots. Dad doesn't wear boots. And my mom defiantly doesn't...

I scooted up the bed a little and covered my self with the blankets.

Who was it?

I held my breath....

Just then the door swung open and my heart dropped. You have GOT to be kidding me....

"Shit!" I yelled. I was so taken back I fell off the bed.


"Presley! I've been looking everywhere!!! Thank god!"

Oh god. What was his plan now?

"G-g-get away from me! Please not now! No! Help! Help me please!" I started to cry and scream. I was almost away from him. I just had to go to the spot...the last spot I'll ever be. But no. He has to go and ruin everything!

"Presley! Presley! Stop! Stop prez! It's okay!"

"No get out! Go! I'll call the pol-" right before I could finish my sentence, a hand covered my mouth.

I opened my eyes and see Harry...right next to my face!

I scream again. I can't trust this boy. He's done to much...

"Shhhhhhhh!" He tries to calm me but its not working.


~Harry's P.O.V ( Really short though, just to let you know what he's thinking)


God damn she's loud! Jesus, she must be really REALLY scared. Jeez, is this what I did to her?

I didn't want to scare her anymore, but she wouldn't shut up! I clamped my hand over her mouth and pushed her down on the floor. She wouldn't stop screaming!

"Presley! Shhhhhh!!Quiet! I'm not going to hurt you! Trust me please!"

She kept shaking her head.

Wow... What did I do?

"Please Presley...please" I said slowly.

There was a VERY long pause before she nodded her head. I mentally fist pumped. Thank god!

~Presley's P.O.V


"Please Presley...please" He said slowly.

The look on his face was... Kinda sad. I've never seen him this serious before... Well...except when he said that he was gonna beat me up.

Which scares me...I didn't know if he was just pretending and gonna beat me up after I calmed down....or...If he was telling the truth.

His hand was still around my mouth, When I made my decision.

I nodded slowly. He couldn't try anything. I WOULD call the cops.

He let out big sigh 0f relief. Along with the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face.

"Okay..." He started. He took his hand off my mouth and motioned for me to come up on the bed. I followed him.

I started the conversation by confronting him.

"What do you want? Why are you here? I swear if you try anything-"

He cut me off.

"Listen Presley, don't worry, I'm not gonna try anything. I just really need to talk to you!" He rambled.

I really didn't know what to say at this point. Was he lying? I didn't know what to do...

"H-Harry-" he cut me off once again. "

"Presley I'm sorry. For everything!
I shouldn't have listen to Chris!"

Wait...why was he talking about?


"I'm so sorry prez! All of these years - all of this time! It was all for nothing! I was a jerk! I was horrible! And you did nothing!
I didn't know! I shouldn't have listened! I knew it couldn't be true! Not my Presley. I was was wrong. So wrong... Presley... Im sorry. So so sorry......."


"What are you talking about? I know you were a jerk-are a jerk! I know I didn't deserve it! I did nothing to you! All of the sudden you just started being so cruel. But why? What did I do to you!"

A tear ran down my cheek. This was the first time in years that me and Harry had a decent conversation.

"Presley, that day...Chris told me that..." He cringed. Clearly not happy with what he was about to say. "Chris told me that you cheated on me...with him... It put me over the edge. I couldn't believe it. Literally. It made me so mad...I...I guess I just took it out on you. Every time I thought about it it made me even madder. I..." He just shook his head. "I'm so sorry."

"Harry..." I started. Before he could say anything else the palm of my hand came in brutal contact with his cheek. Him and me were both surprised.

"You idiot! I would never do something like that! Especially with Chris!! That's...that's just disgusting! I only liked you Harry! It was only you! You should have asked me! Ugh!" I finished.

"I know that now! And I'm so sorry Presley! Will you please forgive me?!"

I sat there in shock. How could I forgive him? I don't even know if he's truly sorry...

"Harry..." I whispered. I gently caressed his cheek. It was wet with his tears.

He looked at me with hope in his eyes. "Prez..." He whispered back.

I sighed and lay my hand on his cheek.

"Get out."

"What?" He asked clearly confused.

"I could never forgive you Harry! All of these years! There coming back to get you now Harry!"

"B-but I said I-I was sorry! Prez you have to believ-"

"Even if you are sorry doesn't matter. I could never forgive you! It just doesn't happen like that! I don't even know if your telling me the truth..."

"But I am Presley! Please! You HAVE to believe me!" A few more tears ran down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry harry...just get out..."


"Get out!"

He scurried off the bed and ran to the door. He took one last look at me before saying,

"I'm sorry Presley."


I can't believe this...he thinks he can just come and say he's sorry... That every thing will be okay now..but it's not. He thinks he can change everything... But he can't.

And I'm still gonna carry out my plan....


Song of the chapter in the multimedia!


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