Chapter 8 ~ A Rude Awakening

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Chapter 8 ~ A Rude Awakening

~Presley's P.O.V


As soon as class was done I ran straight home. I locked myself in my bedroom and climbed onto my bed. I brought my knees up to my chin and just sat there.

There was no way I was kissing Harry. No way. I hope he felt the same way.

I grabbed my bag and took out the script. I turned to page 26, and sure enough, there it was.

"Charlie leant forward and pressed his lips to carders. Sparks filled up the room and-"


I threw it across the room.

Disgusting. I would never kiss Harry. Anymore.

I had to get this out of my mind.

I decided to go for a walk. Harry always goes to the lake with Louis and the boys on Wednesdays, so I wouldn't have to deal with them. Thank god. As soon as I hit outside I headed strait for the park. I needed to think of something other then the current situation going on.

Ugh. I wonder what Harry thought about all of this? Was he just as disgusted as I was? How was I going to face him on Friday?

Thank god we have until then until our next drama class.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear the car horn and see the bright lights. All I remember is everything going black.


When I woke up, my eyelids were heavy. I could barely move. I heard people talking around me. People I new.

"Look she's moving!" I heard someone whisper/ yell.

I tried to open my eyes one more time, which my body allowed. I saw my mom, my dad, 2 nurses, Gabe, and a doctor.

"Oh my goodness honey, are you ok? Do you feel okay?" My mom rushed.

"Do you remember anything honey? How many fingers are you holding up?" My dad stuck 3 fingers in the air.

"Oh my god prez I'm so glad your okay!" Gabe put his hand on my knee.

"I-I- what happened?"

"Y-you were hit by a van." He stuttered.

Now I remembered. I looked around my body to see if I still had all my limbs. Everything was good. But there was a massive bruise on my arm and a giant cut on my leg. The doctor walked out and came back with a few bandages. He started putting one of them on my leg.

"Everything's gonna be alright sweetie, you'll be able to go home tomorrow." One of the nurses cooed.

Just then Mr. And Mrs. Styles came rushing in.

"Sakes alive child, are you okay?!" Mrs. Styles bellowed.

"Uh...yeah, I-I-I'm good."

"Thank goodness, we came as soon as we heard." Mr. Styles commented.

Wait. If Mr. And Mrs. Styles were here, then wheres Harry?!

"Well, we'll leave you alone to gets some rest honey." My mom stated.

They all said there goodbyes and then left the room.

But I was still wondering where Harry was. I don't know why actually...

Right when I was about to turn the tv on, I heard the floor boards creek. I looked in the door way and I saw Harry.

"H-Harry? Harry?! What are you doin here, what do you want?!"

"Relax. I just wanted to see if.. You were dead or not."

Oh my god. He wanted me dead?!

Well that's just great.

"W-well I'm not so... Sorry if you were hoping you wouldn't have to see my ugly face from now on."

I felt good. It's like I was standing up to Harry. And he couldn't do anything because we're in a hospital Lets have some fun.

"Listen Presley, I may hate you. And I mean really hate you, but I...I don't want you to die!"


" all?" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Is that all? Are you gonna leave now?"

I saw his jaw clench. I think I was making him mad. But why? I just wanted to see if he was gonna go or not. Hopefully so. Why would he stay?

"Yeah. Might as well. Don't wanna stay here and see your slutty ass."


"Fine Get out!"

He left. But before he walked away I heard him whisper,"whore" under his breath.

~Harry's P.O.V

Fine then. To think. I actually cared about here health for a minute.


I walked out and saw my mom and dad by the car. I got in and looked out the window. I saw Mr. And Mrs. Quentin. They were sitting on the bench.

They were talking about something. Probably...ugh Presley. Wait. I totally forgot. I have to kiss her. Shit. Wait. How do I feel about that? I don't know.


When I got back home I told the boys to come over. Niall declined the offer. He's been acting weird the last week. Oh well. Every body else came.

We went up to my room.

"So she's in the hospital?"


"She a... Got hit by a car."

"Holy shit! Is she-"

"She's fine."

A long pause fell upon us until they started talking about there plays. Right. I had to kiss Presley.

But why wasn't I disgusted?

"Yeah." Liam said. I'm with Rebecca."

"I got Danny. He's pretty cool." Zayn commented.

"So you got Presley, huh?" Louis asked.

"Uh yeah."

"How's that goin. Let me see your script." Zayn demands.

I throw it to him.

"Awe! It's about young love!"

"How cute " cooed Liam.

They went on for a Few more minutes until hey got hungry.

All the while, Louis was acting really weird. Seriously. What's up with that boy. I decided to leave it alone. He was probably thinking about girls or something stupid.

~Presley's P.O.V

I was excited to finally get home. The hospital was really boring.

Mom and dad were especially caring for me for the next few days. They didn't need to be. I was fine. My arms and legs still hurt but other than that, I was really fine.

I was really freaked out about going to school Monday. Harry was obviously pissed. What was he gonna do? He wouldn't hurt me would he? With the shape I'm in?

Oh god.

The only good thing about tomorrow is...wait. Crap. I guess in not so excited about drama class now. Maybe I could talk Mr. Bender into letting switch groups? No. I can't. That's just being childish. I guess I have to suck it up.

Mom told me that I could stay home on Monday if I wanted to. But I said no. I would look like a coward.

I can't win. Can I?

I woke up that morning and got ready for a...interesting day.

Mom drove me to school, which is good, because it also would be pretty awkward to walk.

When I got to the school a lot of people stared. They must have heard. Ugh. I hate it when people stare.

I didn't see Harry anywhere so I rushed to my locker. But in the way I bumped into someone. Of coarse. I got ready to be yelled at. But there was nothing. I looked up and Louis was staring down at me.

"Sorry." He rushed, and fled down the hall. Weird. First Niall. Then him. Ok, something's going on.

I looked at my schedule and remembered I had drama class. First too. Yay.

I got my folder and headed to the theatre doors. Everyone was already in there. I sat where I always sit.

"Okay class, get into your groups, 'cause were practicing are plays today."


The girls came up to me.

They told me how they've been practicing hard and how they thing they really connect with there characters. I on the other hand am nothing like Carder. I don't fall in love that easy.

Just then, Harry approached us. He tried not to look at me. I could tell.

But why?

"So did you practice Presley?" Lina asked.

"Uh, yeah." I lied.

"So what do you think of Carder?"

Zoe asked.


"Sooooooo....." Lina interrupted.

"What does Harry think about"

He obviously wasn't listening.



"Why do you think of the play?!"

"Oh uh, it's...." He looked at me.

"Nice. I guess."

"Well lets get to practicing!" Zoe suggested.

We read over the script a few times, and then started to practice. After a few cheesy lines, weird glances and lines read, the...

Kiss... Came up.

We obviously weren't going to practice the kiss. But what are we gonna do when we have to present?

We just sat there. And looked at each other.

"Awko taco!" Lina bellowed. Zoe laughed but then just gave her a weird look.

I sighed. Lina and Zoe carried on with there parts and me and Harry slipped our parts in when it was our turn. All the while, Harry looked...mad? He sure didn't look happy. After drama, I went to health, then social studies, then FST then it was lunch. I dodged a few feet curtesy of Liam and Zayn, and then I headed to a table. I ate my sandwich and did my homework early. After lunch I had English. I always sort of liked Mondays because I don't have any classes with Harry. But next was the subject I dreaded most.


I walked into the room and didn't see Harry. In fact I didn't see him at all that class. He must of skipped.

At the end of class the teacher handed us our tests back.

I looked at the score.


Holy shit!

That's the worst I've ever done on a test! Stupid Louis! With your stupid pencil sharpener! And Harry! Can't you keep your feet to yourself?!Holy mother of...ugh!

My life sucks!

I stormed out of the room, got my books, and headed out the door.

I made my way over to the bench. Might as well sit while I wait for my mom.

I was about to sit down when I saw someone's feet approach me. I followed the pattern of black clothing and stopped at a very angry face.


"H-Harry? Wh-what are you-"

"Shut up!" He screamed. "Just shut up!" He stepped closer.

"No, Harry no! Not now! I-I cant"

I was interrupted when his fist came in brutal contact with my face.

"Ow! Harry please! It's hurts!"

Apparently he didn't care, or he didn't hear. He pushed me down on the ground. I tried to scurry away but he stepped on me. He kicked my sore leg. It still had the bandage in it, but you couldn't see it because of my jeans. I cried out in pain.

"What are you doing to me!" He yelled.


"Just kill me if your going to Harry!"

He stopped. He was surprised.

He grabbed his curls.

It looked like was frustrated.

He just walked off. Wow. Thanks. Thanks a lot.

I can't believe this is the day that my mom is late.


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